Psychology of pre-schoolchildren + Psychology of schoolchildren

: In the department of psychology and age physiology of the USSR APN. Significance of psychophysiological studies for educational psychology 83'5 p.137
Gavrilova T. P. : The proper way of talking with parents about education in family 84'1 p.58
Smirnova E. O. : Brainerd Ch. J. (ed. ) Children's logical and mathematical cognition: Progress in cognitive development research (in Russian) 84'1 p.157
: Psychological-pedagogical problems in the teaching and education of 6-year-old children (Round-table talk) (in Russian) 84'4 p.30
: Psychological-pedagogical problems of teaching and education of 6-year-old children (round-table talk) (in Russian) 84'5 p.49
Antonova I. P. : Specificity of development of memory in 6-7-years-old children in the process of learning 85'5 p.151
Filippova Ye. V. : Development of logical operations in 6-years-old children 86'2 p.43
Iskoldsky N. V. : Kail R. The development of memory in children (in Russian) 86'2 p.172
Abramenkova V. V. : Development of humane attitudes, and social psychology of childhood 86'4 p.27
Sapogova Ye. Ye. : Peculiartities of the transitory period in 6-7-years old children 86'4 p.36
Ovtchinnikova T. N. : Peculiarities of self-comprehension in 6-years-old children 86'4 p.43
Soubbotsky Ye. V. : Some peculiarities of children's ideas concerning man's psyche 86'5 p.45
Kotaskova J. : Longitudinal study of development of some personality characteristics in children 87'1 p.51
Ginzbourg M. R. : Tyshkova M. Development of a child of inside and outside a family (in Russian) 87'5 p.160
Kaplunovich I. Ya. : Content of thinking operations in the structiure of spatial thinking 87'6 p.115
Pavlova A. A. , Shustova L. A. : A procedure to assess the state of speech in children 87'6 p.123
Ibragimov H. I. : Percertual differentiation and operational thinking in 4-8-years-old chidren 88'1 p.158
Starzhinskaya N. S. : Development of synthetic reading in 6-year-old children 88'5 p.54
Zukerman O. A. : Conditions of development of reflection in six-year-olds 89'2 p.39
Antonova I. P. : Level of development of ability to determine regularities in children of six and seven years old 89'2 p.62
Eremeyeva V. D. : Lateralization types in children and neurophysiological foundation of individual ability to learn 89'6 p.128
Martsinkovskaya T. D. : Reflexological studies of child's development 90'2 p.117
Belyakova L. I. , Matanova V. : Psycholinguistic characteristics of stammering preschoolers' speech 90'4 p.61
Abramenkova V. V. : Nuclear energetics in child's consciousness (an attempt of sociogenetic analysis) 90'5 p.48
Andreeva A. D. : How to assist the child to endure grief 91'2 p.87
Moskalenko V. D. : The child, whose parents are alcoholics: Psychological portrait 91'4 p.65
Smirnova E. O. , Lagutina A. E. : Experience realization by children brought up in a family and in an orphanage 91'6 p.30
Davydov V. V. : The origins and the development of personality in childhood 92'1 p.22
El'konin B. D. : The crisis of childhood and the basis for child's development projecting 92'3 p.7
Zavrazhin S. A. : Aggressive fantasies in childhood and adolescence 93'5 p.43
Polivnov K. N. : Psychological analysis of age-specific development crises 94'1 p.61
Shcheblanova E. I. , Averina I. S. , Zadorina E. N. : Express-diagnostics of intellectual abilites in 6-7-year-old children 94'4 p.143
Savina E. A. : The peculiarities of 5-10 years old children's view on a soul 95'3 p.21
Dumitrashku T. A. : Family structure and child's cognitive development 96'2 p.104
Galiguzova L. N. : The problem of child's social isolation 96'3 p.101
Batov V. I. : Psychological analysis of child's drawing on Tchernobyl tragedy 97'1 p.26
D'yachenko O. M. : Intellectual differences in child's development 97'4 p.138
: Developmental problems of children brought up in orphanages and boarding schools (in Russian) 99'2 p.118
Egorova M. S. : Comparison of divergent and convergent peculiarities of cognitive sphere of children (age and genetic analysis) 00'1 p.36
Kagan V. E. : Cognitive and emotional aspects of gender sets in 3-7-year-old children 00'2 p.65
Fenko A. B. : Children and money: Characteristics of economic socialization in the market conditions 00'2 p.94
Chesnokova O. B. : Development of children's knowledge about social causality 00'3 p.34
Samoukina N. V. : Symbiotic relationships between mother and her child 00'3 p.67
Stepanov V. G. : Psychology of sense (in Russian) 00'3 p.140
Bylkina N. D. , Liusin D. V. : Emotions cognitive schemes development in ontogenesis 00'5 p.38
Slutsky V. I. : Phenomenon of public domain and its influence on forming personality of Children's Homes inmates 00'5 p.132
Venger A. L. : Mental development of children in the process of joint activity 01'3 p.17
Tishchenko Yu. V. : Response to frustration in children aged 5-8 from orthodox Christian families belonging to a church community in comparison with their atheist peers 01'6 p.27
Shuvalov A. V. : Problems of developing a psychological health service in out-of-school education of children 01'6 p.66
Tambiev A. E. , Medvedev S. D. , Litvinenko O. V. : Development of the main characteristics of attention in children 03'3 p.118
Sukharev A. V. , Timokhin V. V. , Shaporeva A. A. : The ethnofunctional approach in child oncology 04'3 p.37
Kiyan I. G. : Psychological effects of acute leucosis in children 04'4 p.84