Psychology at school + Higher mental functions (perception, memory, attention, thought, speech etc.)

Repkina N. V. : Memory and peculiarities of goal-setting in the learning activity of younger school-children 83'1 p.51
Karpenko L. A. : Effect of the group size on the efficiency of common cognitive activity 84'1 p.71
Baram D. P. : Educational and vocational interests in schoolchildren with different manifestations of cognitive processes 84'2 p.61
Matiukhina M. V. : Specificity of learning motivation in younger schoolchildren 85'1 p.43
Zak A. Z. : Relation between learning and mental development in schoolchildren 85'3 p.49
Kulich V. : Cognitive regulation in the process of learning (in Russian) 85'3 p.171
Telegina E. D. , Gagai V. V. : Types of learning operation aria1 their role in the development of creative thinking in younger schoolchildren 86'1 p.47
Kouliutkin Yu. N. : Creative thinking in professional activity of teachers 86'2 p.21
Iziumova S. A. : Mnemonic abilities and acquisition of knowledge in school 86'3 p.53
Shlychkova A. N. : Involuntary and voluntary memorization of meaningful material by senior schoolchildren' 86'3 p.158
Samarova O. V. : Communication while learning a foreign language, and emotionality 87'3 p.91
Zemtsova L. I. : Schoolchildren's motivation when passing through the course "Fundamentals of information science" 87'4 p.51
Fedotchev A. I. : Perception and memory in tenth-grade pupils who started studying at 6 and 7 years 87'4 p.76
Milman V. E. : Internal and external motivation for learning 87'5 p.129
Osipova E. K. : Structure of the pedagogical thinking in a teacher 87'5 p.144
Milrud R. P. : Emotional regulation in teaching 87'6 p.47
Gist H. : Mental development of schoolchildren by means available in the process of learning 88'1 p.88
Gorbatchiova Ye. I. : Criterion-oriented tests in the diagnostics of mental development of schoolchildren 88'2 p.51
Mariutina T. M. , Meshkova T. A. , Gavrish N. V. : On correlation between properties of attention and academic achievements in 2-nd form schoolchildren 88'3 p.36
Shodiev H. : Psychological reasons of Uzbeck schoolchildren's errors in Russian spelling 89'3 p.94
Guliev A. A. : Formation of language construction by Azerbaijanian schoolchildren when mastering Russian 89'3 p.99
Voskanian K. V. : Construction of geometrical figures as a means of schoolchildren's cognitive development 89'6 p.56
Ratanova T. A. : The means of schoolchildren's learning activity activization 90'5 p.81
Chebykin A. Ya. : Recognition of schoolchildren's emotions by teachers 91'5 p.74
Atakhanov R. A. : Concerning some diagnostic methods in mathematical thinking development 92'1 p.60
Peresleni L. I. : The possibilities of cognitive activity structure examination by prognostication characteristics in children 93'4 p.109
Miasoyed P. A. : Appraisal of intellectual development of junior schoolchildren by a teacher 01'6 p.89
Sorokina V. V. : Negative experiences in primary school children 03'3 p.43
Telegina E. D. , Gagai V. V. : Interrelation between creative thinking and visual perception in primary school children 03'5 p.47