Ratanova T. A.

(# 95'3)

Ratanova T. A. : Differential sensitivity to loudness, strength of the nervous system, and psychophysical scales of loudness 83'1 p.122

Ratanova T. A. : Absolute auditory sensitivity and physiological strength of supraliminal stimuli 84'2 p.112

Ratanova T. A. : Emotional assessment of auditory stimuli of different intensity 86'1 p.145

Ratanova T. A. : The development of differential sensitiveness to spatial-temporal parameters of movements during sports lessons 90'2 p.82

Ratanova T. A. : The means of schoolchildren's learning activity activization 90'5 p.81

Chuprikova N. I. , Ratanova T. A. , Lokalova N. P. : The speed of differentiation of signals and motor images in schoolchildren 91'4 p.159

Chuprikova NJL , Ratanova T. A. : Intelligence indices and cognitive differentiation in junior school-children 95'3 p.104

The authors