Talyzina N. F.

(# 02'5)

Talyzina N. F. : Elaboration of Marxist psychology by A. N. Leontiev 83'2 p.101

Karpov Yu. V. , Talysina N. F. : Criteria of intellectual development of children 85'2 p.52

Talyzina N. F. : The first International Congress dedicated to the theory of activity (in Russian) 87'2 p.182

Talyzina N. F. : Theory of planned formation of intellectual actions today 93'1 p.92

Talyzina N. F. : Activity approach to generalization mechanisms 01'3 p.3

Talyzina N. F. : Development by P. Ya. Galperin of the activity approach in psychology 02'5 p.42

The authors