Kolominsky Y. L.

(# 91'6)

Kolominsky Ya. L. : Differentiation of social psychology and some problems of education 83'2 p.60

Kolominsky Ya. L. , Meltsas M. H. : Sex-role differentiation in pre-school children (in Russian) 85'3 p.165

Benedictov B. A. , Kolominsky Ya. L. , Kovaliov S. A. : Teachers' ideas concerning psychological service (in Russian) 86'2 p.103

Kolominsky Ya. L. , Zhiznevsky B. P. : Social-psychological specificity of the common play and work activity of pre-school children 86'5 p.38

Kolominsky Ya. L. , Zhiznevsky B. P. , Tsyrkoun N. A. : L. S. Vygotsky's ideas in present-day psychological-pedagogical science and practice (in Russian) 87'4 p.177

Benedictov B. A. , Kolominsky Y. L. : Developing of psychology in the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist republic 87'6 p.5

Kolominskiy Ya. L. : Psychology of emotional relations (in Russian) 88'5 p.178

Kolominsky Ya. L. , Zhiznevsky B. P. : Social-psychological analysis of children's conflicts during play 90'2 p.35

Kolominsky Ya. L. , Harin S. S. : Subject socialization in early childhood 91'6 p.21

The authors