Belous V. V.

(# 01'2)

Belous V. V. : Functional role of the type of temperament in man's individual and common activity 84'4 p.102

Belous V. V. : Concerning the study of influence of the type of temperament on efficiency of individual and common activity 86'3 p.113

Belous V. V. : A new approach to the theory of the integral individuality (in Russian) 88'3 p.161

Belous V. V. : The ways of harmonization of temperament and activity 89'5 p.65

Belous V. V. : The criteria for different level foundations of individuality's discernment 91'2 p.102

Belous V. V. , Shul'ga T. I. : Practical assistance to school psychologist (in Russian) 92'1 p.168

Belous V. V. : Structural-funcional characteristics of integral individuality 94'3 p.130

Belous V. V. , Kopan' T. V. : The role of motivation and stimulation in the formation of integral individuality 95'6 p.96

Belous V. V. , Drokina I. N. : Specificity of integral individuality structures in senior schoolchildren depending on solidarity of educative groups 97'4 p.128

Belous V. V. : Approaching integrative developmental psychology 98'2 p.10

Belous V. V. : Experience of hierarchical model of general individuality 01'2 p.100

The authors