Ageyev V. S.

(# 88'6)

Ageyev V. S. : West S. G. , Wicklund R. A. A primer of social psychological theories. Slawski C. J. Social psychological theories: A comparative handbook for students (in Russian) 83'2 p.150

Ageyev V. S. , Dontsov A. I. : Psychologie de demain a Sous la direction de P. Fraisse (in Russian) 85'2 p.173

Ageev V. S. : Influence of cultural factors on perception and appraisal of a man by another man 85'3 p.135

Ageyev V. S. : Psychological study of social stereotypes 86'1 p.95

Ageyev V. S. : Tajfel H. (ed. ) The social dimension (in Russian) 86'3 p.173

Kolga V. , Lebedeva N. M. , Ageyev V. S. : A seminar on the cognitive style (in Russian) 86'5 p.187

Ageyev V. S. : Social and psychological functions of sex-role stereotypes 87'2 p.152

Andreeva G. M. , Ageyev V. S. : Psychological aspects of development of "the new thinking" in the nuclear era 87'4 p.22

Ageyev V. S. : Cross-cultural perspectives in development of the social-psychological knowledge 87'6 p.90

Ageyev V. S. , Tolmasova A. K. : Readers of "Voprosy psichologii" answer the questionnaire (in Russian) 88'6 p.177

The authors