Psychology abroad + Psychology of the creative act (incl. creativity and genius problems)

Goralskly A. : Ways in the study of creativity (in Russian) 86'5 p.175
Goralskiy A. : On the problem of creativity 88'3 p.153
: European prospects for the studies and development of gifted and talented children (in Russian) 89'1 p.180
: Brief books review (in Russian) 89'3 p.166
: Brief books review (in Russian) 89'4 p.167
Rogers N. : Creativity as a path to self-empowerment 90'1 p.164
: Brief book reviews (in Russian) 90'3 p.167
Popova L. V. : IX World conference on gifted and talented children (in Russian) 91'6 p.173
: Brief book review (in Russian) 92'1 p.164
Shcheblanova E. I. , Averina I. S. : Contemporary modem longitudinal studies of giftedness 94'6 p.134
Torshina K. A : Creativity studies in modem foreign psychology 98'4 p.123