Psychology of adults

Akopov A. Yu. : Comparative study of predictive activity in preschool children, adults, and schizophrenic patients 83'3 p.97
Karpenko L. A. : Effect of the group size on the efficiency of common cognitive activity 84'1 p.71
Sukhobskaya G. S. : Psychological aspects of problem learning and development of cognitive activity in adult students 84'5 p.45
Roether D. : On the ability to learn in adults 85'1 p.57
Markova A. K. : Urgent problems in the teaching of adults (in Russian) 86'3 p.175
Yadryshnikova T. L. : Psychological peculiarities of the professional education of a foreman in a vocational training school 87'1 p.37
Filippov A. V. , Kovalev S. V. : Study of the motivation for refreshing training in the administrative personnel 87'1 p.118
Stepanov V. G. : Symbol's perception by schoolchildren and adults 92'1 p.42
Pinyaeva S. E. , Andreyev N. V. : Personal and professional development during the period of maturation 98'2 p.3
Kosheleva Yu. P. : Special features of lonely people self-presentation in newspaper advertising 98'2 p.107
Allakhverdjan A. G. , Allakhverdjan V. A : Emigration intentions of scientists and students of psychology 03'3 p.101