Petrovsky V. A.

(# 01'6)

Petrovsky V. A. : The principle of reflection of subjectness in a psychological study of personality 85'4 p.17

Petrovsky V. A. , Cherepanova E. M. : Individual features of self-control in organization of one's attention 87'5 p.48

Bodrova E. V. , Davydov V. V. , Petrovskiy V. A. , Sterkina R. B. : An attempt to construct psychologo-pedagogical concept of preschool upbringing 89'3 p.22

Novikova E. Yu. , Petrovskiy V. A. : The usage of fashion mechanisms in pedagogical practice 90'3 p.100

Petrovsky A. V. , Petrovsky V. A. : Categorical system of psychology 00'5 p.3

Petrovsky V. A. , Polevaya M. V. : Estrangement as a phenomenon of children - parents relations 01'1 p.19

Petrovsky V. A. : Idea of historism in developmental psychology (in Russian) 01'6 p.126

The authors