2000'5, p.3
Petrovsky A. V. , Petrovsky V. A.
Categorical system of psychology

Proceeding from basic categories of psychology, singled out by M. G. Yaroshevsky ("image", "motive", "action", "attitude") and enlarging their number by introducing new categories ("experience", "subject", "situation") the authors offer some new categories enabling to embrace "psychosphere" as well. Taken together the offered categories make a system which can be presented as a matrix. The matrix lines are biological, protopsychological, basic psychological, metapsychological and extrapsychological categories. The matrix columns are presented by the clusters of substantiality, direction, activity, cognitivity, partiality, eventfulness, reality. Each category of protopsychological, basic and metapsychological level is looked at as mediating transitivity between lower and higher categories; the interim category includes the lower one and offers an abstract basis for building up the higher category. The authors argue the possibility to single out the system of psychological categories from any "cell"-category according to L. S. Vygotsky. At the same time the paper tries to implement the idea of building up "general science" actually representing the theory of psychology theories.