Comments on the books, bibliography + Personalia (analysis of proceeding of the scientists, commemorative publications)

Burlachuk L. F. , Romenets V. A. : Names in psychology (in Russian) 85'3 p.181
Chouprikova N. I. : Creative heritage of B. N. Teplov (in Russian) 86'5 p.177
Tulviste P. : Works of L. S. Vygotsky in 6 volumes (in Russian) 87'2 p.170
Tishchenko S. P. , Fourman A. V. : Scientific heritage of A. S. Makarenko and psychology of personality development (in Russian) 88'3 p.165
Goloubeva E. A. : On appearance and development of B. M. Teplov's school: From the viewpoint of scientology (in Russian) 88'3 p.167
Lifanova T. M. : L. S. Vygotsky's works bibliography in Russian and foreign languages 96'5 p.137
Ravich-Shcherbo I. V. : V. D. Nebylitsin: Scientific work and life (in Russian) 97'3 p.143
Yaroshevsky M. G. : A new book of reminiscences about L. S. Vygotsky (in Russian) 97'5 p.135
Meshcherjakov B. G. , Zinchenko V. P. : L. S. Vygotsky and modern cultural-historical psychology 00'2 p.102
: Bibliography of C. Rogers (in Russian) 02'2 p.85
: Brief book review (in Russian) 02'2 p.124
Zinchenko V. P. : On the road to restoring historical justice (in Russian) 04'6 p.123
Zadorozhniuk I. E. : Phenomenology of F. M. Dostoyevsky's literary work (in Russian) 05'2 p.127
Vodolagin A. V. , Sviridov A. P. , Shchedrina E. V. : Russian-German symposium on scientific inheritance of K. Jaspers (in Russian) 05'4 p.153