Golubeva E. A.

(# 91'2)

Golubeva E. A. : Some trends and perspectives in the study of natural bases of individual differences 83'3 p.16

Golubeva E. A. : Complex study of abilities (to the 90-th anniversary of B. M. Teplov) 86'5 p.18

Goloubeva E. A. : On appearance and development of B. M. Teplov's school: From the viewpoint of scientology (in Russian) 88'3 p.167

Golubeva E. A. , Izumova S. A. , Kabardov M. K. , Kadyrov B. R. , Matova M. A. , Pechenkov V. V. , Suvorova V. V. , Tikhomirova I. V. , Turovskaya Z. G. , Usim E. D. : The experience of complex study of education differentiation 91'2 p.132

The authors