Psychology abroad + Psychology of schoolchildren

Iskoldsky N. V. : Studies of a child's attachment to its mother (in foreign psychology) (in Russian) 85'6 p.146
Iskoldsky N. V. : Kail R. The development of memory in children (in Russian) 86'2 p.172
Stetsenko A. P. : Bruner J. Child's talk. (in Russian) 87'4 p.159
Ginzbourg M. R. : Tyshkova M. Development of a child of inside and outside a family (in Russian) 87'5 p.160
Subbotskiy Ye. V. : The development of child's causality concept 89'3 p.158
: Brief books review (in Russian) 89'3 p.166
Galiguzova L. N. : The problem of child's social isolation 96'3 p.101
Boomsma D. I. , Van-Baal K. : Genetic influences on childhood IQ study in 5- and 7-year old Dutch twins 97'4 p.117
Smirnova E. O. , Radeva R. : The development of attachment theory (after P. Crittenden) 99'1 p.105
Fenko A. B. : Children and money: Characteristics of economic socialization in the market conditions 00'2 p.94