Stetsenko A. P.

(# 97'6)

Stetsenko A. P. : Amabile Ò. Ì. The social psychology of creativity (in Russian) 84'5 p.160

Stetsenko A. P. : Some trends in the study of language and communication in present-day Western psychology 87'3 p.158

Stetsenko A. P. : Bruner J. Child's talk. (in Russian) 87'4 p.159

Leontiev D. A. , Stetsenko A. P. , Eidman E. V. : Scientific heritage of L. S. Vygotsky and world psychology (in Russian) 89'2 p.171

Stetsenko A. P. : The notes on L. S. Vygotsky's popularity in Western universities 97'1 p.107

Stetsenko A. P. , Little T. , Oettingen G. , Baltes P. : Agency, control and means-ends beliefs about school performance in schoolchildren: Cross-cultural study 97'6 p.3

The authors