Social psychology + Psychology and humanitarian issues

Ageev V. S. : Influence of cultural factors on perception and appraisal of a man by another man 85'3 p.135
Andreeva G. M. : Social-psychological aspects of activating the human factor 86'3 p.5
Bodaliov A. A. : Problems of humanization of interpersonal contacts and general trends of their psychological study 89'6 p.74
Etkind A. M. : Public atmosphere and individual way of a scientist: applied psychology in the twenties 90'5 p.13
Danilova A. G. : Possibilities of studying value orientations of historical communities 02'3 p.52
Allakhverdjan A. G. , Allakhverdjan V. A : Emigration intentions of scientists and students of psychology 03'3 p.101
Volkova T. N. : Social and psychological problems of old age 05'2 p.118
Odintsov V. F. : Orientation of rural youth towards the future as a factor of social stability 05'3 p.84