Arestova O. N.

(# 07'2)

Arestova O. N. , Babanin L. N. , Tikhomirov Î. Ê. : Computer analysis of thinking motivation: Possibilities and limitations 88'5 p.83

Arestova O. N. , Babanin L. N. , Tihomirov O. K. : Psychological possibilities of computerized level of claims analysis 92'1 p.152

Arestova O. N. : IV European psychological congress (in Russian) 96'1 p.150

ArestovaO. N. : Temporal personality perspective operational aspects diagnostics 00'4 p.61

Arestova O. N. , Pakhomov I. A. : Relation of physical and sense parameters of the communication space 02'2 p.112

Arestova O. N. : Affective distortions in interpretation of proverbs 06'1 p.83

Arestova O. N. : Diagnosing a motivational conflict with the help of the pictogram method 07'2 p.161

The authors