Psychological procedures + Psychology of schoolchildren

Slutsky V. M. : Psychological methods of correction of child's personality (in Russian) 84'6 p.141
Pavlova A. A. , Shustova L. A. : A procedure to assess the state of speech in children 87'6 p.123
Senko T. V. : Status psychotherapy as the method of correction of the child's status in the kindergarten group 89'1 p.76
Peresleni L. I. , Chuprov L. F. : The determination of developmental levels of verbal-logical thinking in schoolchildren 89'5 p.154
Shcheblanova E. I. , Averina I. S. , Zadorina E. N. : Express-diagnostics of intellectual abilites in 6-7-year-old children 94'4 p.143
Surnina O. E. , Lupandin V. L , Pustueva N. V. , Yezhitsa LN. : Cross-modal choice in preschoolers' time evaluation 95'3 p.133