Shumakova N. B.

(# 04'2)

Shumakova N. B. : Role of the question in the structure of thinking 84'1 p.91

Shoumakova N. B. : Inquisitive activity in the form of questions in different age periods 86'1 p.53

Shumakova N. B. , Shcheblanova E. I. , Shcherbo N. P. : The use of Torrance tests in creativity and its development in junior schoolchildren studies 91'1 p.27

Shumakova N. B. : Interdisciplinary approach to gifted children education 96'3 p.34

Shumakova N. B. : Influence of parental conceptions of school on development of child's giftedness 04'2 p.119

The authors