Kondratiev M. Y.

(# 07'4)

Kondratiev M. Y. : Interrelation between the personal authority of a teacher and the authority of the teacher's role 87'2 p.99

Kondrat'ev M. Yu. : Characteristics of interpersonal relations in specialized boarding schools 95'6 p.33

Kondrat'ev M. Yu. : Typical deviations in adolescents' psycho-social development 97'3 p.69

Kondrat'ev M. Yu. , Kochetkova T. N. : Practice-oriented psychology: Overcoming the barier between fundamental science and practice (in Russian) 97'6 p.131

Kondratiev M. Yu. , Vartanova E. G. : Characteristics of adjustment of a developing personality in the situation of emergence of a student group 07'2 p.91

Kondratiev M. Yu. : Psychological thougt and time (in Russian) 07'4 p.176

The authors