Bardin K. V.

(# 90'1)

Bardin K. V. , Totrova N. G. : Study of differential sensitivity in the process of visual perception in norm and in schizophrenic patients 83'1 p.119

Bardin K. V. , Gorbacheva T. P. , Sadov V. A. , Tszen N. V. : A phenomenon of compensatory discrimination 83'4 p.113

Bardin K. V. , Basha V. I. , Voitenko V. G. : Use of sensorial-perceptual features of noise-producing objects in teaching hydroacousticians 86'2 p.156

Bardin K. V. , Zabrodina T. A. : Changes in the sensitivity when solving thinking problems 88'1 p.149

Bardin K. V. : Threshold problem and differential psychophysics 90'1 p.131

The authors