Kaptelinin V. N.

(# 86'6)

Kaptelinin V. N. : Experimental study of visual perception of words (in Russian) 83'1 p.147

Kaptelinin V. N. : Wilkinson À. Ñ. (ed ) Classroom computers and cognitive science (in Russian) 85'5 p.170

Kaptelinin V. N. , Matiushkin A. M. , Zdravtchev L. , Paspalanov I. : Individual differences and individualization of teaching (in Russian) 86'2 p.184

Kaptelinin V. N. : Psychological problems of development of computer competence in schoolchildren 86'5 p.54

Kaptelinin V. N. : Goodyear P. LOGO: A guide to learning through programming (in Russian) 86'6 p.146

The authors