Dubov I. G.

(# 00'5)

Dubov I. G. , Smirnov L. M. : Construction of bipolar and unipolar scales for differential estimation of personality qualities in others 84'6 p.118

Dubov I. G. : Effects of individual-specific influence of one personality upon the other 90'5 p.56

Dubov I. G. , Smirnov L. M. : The peculiarities of "important other" perception in senior school-children 91'3 p.30

Dubov I. G. : Psychological approach to the study of mentality 93'5 p.20

Dubov I. G. , Khvostov A. A. : Moral determination of behavior in mass ordinary awareness of large groups of population 00'5 p.87

The authors