Psychological foundations and communities; Institutions and departments + Concepts and schools in the psychology science

: Out of editorial mail (in Russian) 89'4 p.180
: The first ethnopsychology c laboratory in Russia (in Russian) 90'4 p.159
: Out of editorial mail (in Russian) 90'5 p.186
: Murmansk regional division of Humanistic psychology association (in Russian) 92'1 p.180
Shimelevich L. G. : R. Dreycurce Institute session (in Russian) 92'1 p.182
Zhdan A. N. , Martsynkovskaya T. D. : Moscow psychologic school: Traditions and modernity 00'3 p.117
Martsinkovskaya T. D. : Methodological principles and major subjects of research at the Psychological Institute 04'2 p.17