" Voprosy psychologii "
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of issues





Theoretical research
p. 3
Yurevich A. V.
System crisis in psychology

Developmental and pedagogical psychology
p. 12
Antonova G. P., Ikunina Z. I., Antonova I. P., Antonova N. A.
The influence of senior preschoolers' intellect on educative efficacy
p. 22
Radina N. K.
On gender analysis usage in psychological studies
p. 28
Karopa G. N.
System differentiation principle in ecological education

Psychology and practice
p. 35
Bogoyavlenskaya D. B.
«Activity subject» in creativity context

Thematic reports
p. 42
Dontsov A. I., Belokrylova G. M.
Students-psychologists' professional notions
p. 50
Lusin D. V.
Emotion categorization empirical analysis
p. 61
Kholmogorova A. B., Garanyan N. G.
Culture, emotions and psychic health

History of psychology
p. 75
Piskoppel A. A.
Human nature according to A. Maslow concepts
p. 87
Orlov A. B.
Humanism with a face of cultural-anthropological prototype: russian variant
p. 90
Nikolskaya A. A.
A. Binet as one of the founders of experimental psychology

Experimental methods
p. 98
Ryazansky V. P., Kornev A. V.
Intonation skills development due to complex audio and visual stimuli influence

In other countries
p. 101
Dorfman L. Y., Kovaleva G. V.
The main trends in studies of creativeness in science and art

Critical review and bibliography
p. 107
Chudnovsky V. E.
Personality model of a teacher (in Russian)
p. 110
Tsukerman G. A.
Education, creativity and understanding as synonyms (in Russian)
p. 114
Aminev G. A.
New approach to neuro-structural foundation of individual differences (in Russian)
p. 115
Zimnyaya I. A.
New text-book on developmental psychology (in Russian)
p. 117
Conference calendar (in Russian)

Scientific events
p. 118
Developmental problems of children brought up in orphanages and boarding schools (in Russian)
p. 120
L. I. Bozhovich and contemporary psychology of development (in Russian)
p. 122
Teaching psychology in modern school (in Russian)
p. 127
p. 129
Our Authors (in Russian)

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