" Voprosy psychologii "
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of issues





Developmental and pedagogical psychology
p. 3
Jacobson S. G., Feshchenko T. I.
Forming of potential positive self-image as means to regulate pre-schoolers' behaviour
p. 12
Verbitsky A. A., Bakshaeva N. A.
Motive transformation in context education theory
p. 22
Savchenko E. A.
On senior schoolchildren's readiness to oppose amoral actions
p. 32
Khasan B. I., Tyumeneva Y. A.
Special features of social norms' appropriation by children of different genders

Psychology and practice
p. 40
Repkina N. V.
Developing education in school practice
p. 51
Badmaev B. T., Khoziev B. I.
Psychological methods in speedy mastering Russian spelling
p. 61
Kolpakova M. Y.
Psychological influencing women abandoning their newborn children

Psychological consultation
p. 69
Kondrat'ev M. Y.
Typical deviations in adolescents' psycho-social development

Thematic reports
p. 79
Muskhelishvili N. L., Schreider Y. A.
The meaning of text as the inner image
p. 92
Sukharev A. V.
An experience of ethno-functional express-therapy of emotional and behavioural disturbances in children
p. 102
Chirkov V. I.
Interpersonal connections, inner motivation and self-regulation

p. 112
Khomskaya E. D.
Concerning methodological problems of modern psychology

In other countries
p. 133
Brief book review (in Russian)
p. 139
Conference calendar (in Russian)

Critical review and bibliography
p. 140
Dubrovina I. V.
Psychological text-book for school (in Russian)
p. 143
Ravich-Shcherbo I. V.
V. D. Nebylitsin: Scientific work and life (in Russian)

Scientific events
p. 146
The first Russian conference on ecological psychology (in Russian)
p. 147
Conference on existentional-humanistic approach in psychotherapy (in Russian)
p. 150
Conference on feministic psychology (in Russian)
p. 153
IV Chelpanov's session (in Russian)
p. 155
Ya. A. Ponomarev (in Russian)
p. 157
A. V. Tolstykh (in Russian)
p. 159
p. 161
Our authors (in Russian)

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