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Psychological consequences of computerization: Functional, ontogenetic and historical aspects


L. P. Gurieva


Functional, ontogenetic and historical psychological consequences of computerization in complicated intellectual activity have some linear and nonlinear correlations, the former being simpler case of the latter. They manifest themselves in clear positive and negative effects, "partite" ones and indefinite ones, so there are many variations of psychic development in different groups of those, who use computer. The consequences of computerization may play more or less important role in psychic development than professional and subjective conditions.


Crying as a discriminant of infant's psychic development


N. Ya. Kushnir


Baby's crying plays important role in mother — infant interaction. Its functions change according to baby's age and situation. The crying is informative and has different senses. It shows baby's need in communication. It shows also infant's ability to make a connection by way of expressive manifestations, which is necessary for its physiological and psychic development. The crying represents selective reaction to adult's speech and can be considered to be pre-speech activity, possessing language character by the age of two months. Mother — infant interaction is adequate when mother understands subjective meaning of crying and its objective sense.


Initial elements of psychic structures in early childhood


N. S. Pantina


Stereotype formed in any period of child's development makes it possible to perform successfully once mastered actions. But the same stereotype prevents mastering of new forms of activity. Existing experience prevents working out of new means of activity, so it is. necessary to bring up the child capable to overcome such difficulties from early childhood. As soon as the child begins to organize his activity himself, he acquires inner experience, including elemental plans based on inner coordinating schemes.


Modeling as a condition of imagination development in preschoolers


E. E. Sapogova


Possible mechanism of imagination development is described through operations of imaginative modeling. Such operations as "subsiding", "extra-addition", "balancing" of the features of new whole image using existing experience are discussed. Special methods "Magic changes" illustrated by children's drawings was used for these operations' demonstration.


Pedagogics and psychology of social deprivation (historical aspect)


E. A. Knyazev


Evolution of educative system in historic-psycho-logic aspect is considered. Social deprivation is exposed on the example of different types of education: military, church, private, etc. Devoid of personality education characteristic for totalitarism corresponds to the ideas of collectivism and deprivation.


Culturological aspects of anti-narcotic Instruction


O.  L. Romanova, I. V. Ivannikova


The results of theoretical and experimental analysis on culturological adaptation of foreign anti-narcotic programs to the realities of Russia are presented. The differences of the latter and traditional Russian preventive measures are shown. Cultural specificity of notions of psychic and the means of its manipulation, of children brought up in Swedish and in religious traditions, is demonstrated.



Common sense of a student and scientific knowledge


R. N. Shcherbakov


Student's common sense and its role in mastering of physics are investigated. One of possible motives for acquiring of scientific education is comprehension of cultural importance of exact knowledge for any person and significance of educative process for the formation of personality.


Child's attitude to computer and computer games


1. G. Belavina

Comprehension and positive attitude of a child to computer and computer games is an important condition of his interaction with it. Methodical study "Draw it" was used for the evaluation of complex mastering of a computer by a child. Usual experience is not enough for successful computer games. Special training is necessary for that.


Rumors as socio-psychological phenomenon


B. V. Dubin, A. V. Tolstykh


Rumor is considered to be a phenomenon of mass consciousness, primarily connected to socio-psycho-logical mechanism of group differentiation ("they" and "we"). Extraordinary events and heroes serve as the units of rumor. Rumors are characterized by the impression of mystery and the sense of belonging to those who know. The rumors tend to be morally didactic. They are considered to be a pre-form of public opinion.


Psychological reasons for linguaphonic technology of education crisis


L. V. Shenshev


Any educative concept is developed taking into consideration the limitations made by technological means of its implementation. It is especially noticeable in conversational foreign language training, when beforehand made phonograms are used. The latter cannot be adapted to individual traits of a student so the difficulties of foreign language mastering increase. Principally new technology of linguaphone education is offered.


Comparative analysis of pause duration in normal and stuttering speech


L. I. Beliakova, E. A. Diakova


Number, duration and localization of pauses in reading of a text and monologue by people with normal speech and stutters are analyzed. People with normal speech make pauses due to syntax and hesitation. Stutters make less such pauses but much more connected to spasms ones. These data show differences in intra-speech programming and deficiency of control upon the sense of uttering in stutters.


Activity approach to the problem of normal psychic development


V. N. Pavlenko


The article represents an attempt to apply new activity approach to the problem of the definition of "norm" and "pathology" in psychic development. Normal psychic development is considered to be a process of ontogenetic establishment of typically human forms of activity and overcoming forms unspecific for humans. The criteria are offered for its evaluation on theoretical level as well as on phenomenological one.


Russians as perceived by themselves and others:

Psychosemantic study of national character stereotypes


D. Peabody, A. G. Shmelev, M. K. Andreyeva, A. E. Gramenitsky


The article contains comparative results of experimental studies concerning evaluation of national character by the representatives of different nations. 32 bipolar 7-point personality scales were used for the description of typical Englishman, German, Italian, Frenchman, American and Russian. For Russian sample special stimulus object was included: "I myself". The differences in perception of "typical Russian" by Russians and by the representatives of other nations are discussed.