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On reflective psychology in pedagogic creation


S. Yu. Stepanov, G. F. Pohmelkina, T. Yu. Koloshina, T. V. Frolova


The present state of education shows that there are two co-existing and antagonistic systems of professional pedagogic thinking and activity—authoritative—reproductive and reflective-creative. The first of them has deep historical and social-culture roots. It is based on the comprehension of a child as an object of authoritative guidance in order to form knowledge, skills and habits in behaviour and intellect. The reflective-creative position is characterized by the comprehension .of a child as a partner in joint creative process. This approach is still on the early stage and uses the ideas of reflective psychology. The latter considers pedagogic creation phenomenon as a resource for self-development of educational system and the means of overcoming its crisis. Reflective psychology can be used for the development of pedagogic creativeness and skills of a single teacher as well as of pedagogic collective with psychologists' assistance.


On the image-bearing thinking formation in preschoolers


V. B. Sinelnikov


An approach to the study of the formation of image-bearing thinking in preschoolers (5—6-years-old) is presented. It has been shown that effective construction of adequate forming techniques was due to: 1) usage of hierarchically structured material mediators (tools), 2) the assimilation by the children of the relations of the "whole-part" type during preliminary manipulations with real objects: joining and separation of other given objects. Some original experimental research methods are elaborated.


The correlation of preschoolers' position in a group and their personal behaviour


T. V. Senko


It is hypothesed that there is a causal correlation between the character of interrelations and communication form, i. e. that sociometric status is a function of personal behaviour. The results of experimental study show that preschoolers with a favorable position in peer group are characterized by positive attitude to their group-mates and by a tendency to dominate; preschoolers with unfavorable position are characterized by a tendency to submit. Both tendencies (domination and submission) can have positive and negative forms. The data obtained can be used in order to guarantee the child's all-round development.


Individual approach and schematic typification of students


L. M. Mitina


The results of experimental study show that high level of teacher's self-consciousness is characterized by individual (creative) approach to every student, conditioned by teacher's aspiration for deep understanding of a. student. Low level of self-consciousness is characterized by schematic typification when the teacher takes into account first of all student's behaviour and distinguishing streaks, ignoring their psychological reasons. An experimental program is offered aiming at teacher's self-consciousness' transition to higher level and accordingly the transition from schematic typification to individual approach to every student.


Literary abilities of special mathematic form students


V. V. Suvorova


The data of experimental study on adolescents— students of special mathematic form, selected as winners of mathematic olympiad, are presented. It is found that a half of mathematically gifted students has literary abilities as well. This combination is due to the high level of image component of intellectual development and not to general intellectual development.


Psychological peculiarities of comprehension of creative tasks


A. B. Kovalenko


Senior schoolchildren's comprehension of creative technical tasks peculiarities are studied, especially the influence of objective (task's parameters, its form, the quantity of information, its complication) and subjective (the




level of knowledge, activity motives) factors on the success of task comprehension. There are four types of task comprehension in accordance to the knowledge level. The comprehension is considered as a process combining objective and subjective factors.


On the psychology of spelling mistakes in words—predicates


V. Ya. Bulohov


Pupils of the 3—10th forms make much more mistakes in words—predicates than in any other words. The greater orthographical vulnerability of words—predicates can be explained by two psychological reasons: 1) the "stronger" component of the sentence (inner speech which is word—predicate) in writing turns out to be more "weak" and as a result is satiated with spelling mistakes, 2) predicates are more often situated in the postposition (more difficult for the operative memory part of the simple sentence) which also weakens the orthographical "immunity" of words—predicates.


Preschoolers' sets concerning smoking


V. V. GuIdan, O. L. Romanova, I. V. Ivannikova


The results of experimental study of preschoolers' (6-years-olds) sets concerning smoking are presented. The analysis of cognitive, emotional and behavioural components of the set shows informative preparedness for trying and contradictory emotional-evaluative attitude to smoking, and some activity in personal smoking experience acquisition. The data show that even senior preschoolers have access to smoking tradition of the society. Practically the existence of formed set means that preventive measures must be aimed at set's reconstruction and not at its staving off.


Interpersonal and intragroup anxiety in important joint activity


Yu. L. Hanin


Conceptual and methodical problems in diagnostics of situative and socio-psychological factors' influence on the level of state anxiety in the framework of important activity (sport, stage, management, business) are discussed. New categories for stress and anxiety research are offered: interpersonal and intragroup anxiety, activity-based (work-based) anxiety, individual zones of optimal functioning. The experience of un-traditional employment of C. D. Spielberger's state-trait anxiety scale is described. Experimental data on interpersonal and intragroup anxiety and factors calling it forth are presented.


On a system of psychological guarantees of alcoholism treatment


L. A. Suhinskaya, E. Tatarevsky


A unified individualized program of psychological influence based upon the results of psycho-diagnostics has been worked out. The conclusion of psychologists (based on "assessment technique") concerning the criteria of  "change technique", i. e. the whole complex of psychological influence, including psychotherapy carried out by physicians and medical psychologists, psychological correction and counseling aimed at he development of necessary empirical guarantees of defense against alcohol for people resisting voluntary treatment, is drawn. Three major forms of psychological aid are marked out: psychotherapy, psychological correction and psychological counseling. The aims and problems of each form of psychological assistance have been formulated.


Recognition of schoolchildren's emotions by teachers


A. Ya. Chebykin


Experimental data serve as a basis for evaluation of teachers' ability to recognize the schoolchildren's emotions. Some objective and subjective indications of emotions are considered. The groups of similar in their manifestation emotions are marked out and leading emotion in each of them singled out. The necessity of operative emotions' recognition perfection for teachers is underlined.


The study of pupils' collective and personality by pedagogical students


A. E. Shteinmets


The pupils' collective and personality characteristics' analysis was performed by pedagogical students. The analysis included the employment of theoretical knowledge, finding of problems, hypotheses functioning, the role of emotions in thinking, the researcher's position, the concreteness of thinking. The author proposes to change psychological training of pedagogical students by the usage of research procedure as a basis for professionally important psychological conception. The connection of this activity to students' creative thinking is discussed.

The wives of alcoholics


V. D. Moskalenko


Characteristic psychological features of alcoholics' wives known as co-dependency are described.




Co-dependency due to stress (life with an alcoholic) has its own emotional behavioural disfunctions, peculiarities of thinking and is accompanied by psychosomatic disfunctions. The manifestations of alcoholism and of co-dependency are similar. Co-dependent wives of alcoholics are suffering themselves, make their children suffer and aggravate family situation. They need psychotherapeutic treatment.


The subjectness as the basis for interpersonal contacts


V. I. Stepansky


Interpersonal contacts phenomenon is considered in the context of subjectness notion — reflective realization of oneself as somatic "I", social "I" and psychic "I". It is assumed that the very existence of psychic "I" demands the presentation of oneself to another person. It is put into effect by confidential personal contacts. Psychological basis of such an intercourse is formed by emotional contacts and by affective experience presenting partners' mutual participation in psychic "I" of one another. When such a process is successful joint psychic "I" is formed as a result and as a basis for specifically human interpersonal contacts.


Sacrament of marriage and family: introduction to cosmology of homebuilding


B. V. Nichiporov


The position of Russian Orthodox Church priest-psychologist concerning the problems of family and marriage is presented. The continuation of the article see in the next issue.


The notions of infectiousness, convinsingness and charm in Stanislavsky system


V. I. Kochnev


Infectiousness, convinsingness and charm form the united block of characteristics in actor's abilities' structure, determining the exactness of scenic transformation. The ability to infect is conditioned by the effectiveness of regulative mechanisms, ensuring the exactness of actor's corresponding to scenic image emotional reactions to psychological sense of a performance and to its aesthetic originality. The ability to be convincing is conditioned by the compliance of actor's imagination during role's construction to certain restrictions ensuring role's logical validity. Actor's charm plays part of a restriction too—it limits actor's subjectivity by audience's certain social expectations, securing the correspondence of scenic image to objective social values.



Different social groups' attitude to computer testing


Î. Ê. Tihomirov, L. N. Sobchik, L. P. Gurieva, I. E. Garber


The analysis of different social groups' attitude towards computer testing based on interviews, process data and results of psycho-diagnostics are presented. The managers, psychotherapists and tested population have contradictory opinions on computer testing, connected to the productivity of their work, the possibility of situative relief, the personality development.


Diagnostic peculiarities in patients' with speech disfunction rehabilitation


Yu. B. Nekrasova


New psychodiagnostics emergence: symptoms and trends


A. B. Orlov


Authorship phenomenon in scientific psychology


L. I. Vorobjeva



After 25 years of  treating stammerers (adults and adolescents) a system of multi-factorial logo-psychotherapy was construed. It presupposes the patient's maximal activization and co-creativity with a psychotherapist. An important part in the system is played by diagnostic block showing unique individuality of every patient. It is characterized by orientation not only to "illness picture" but to "uniqueness picture". It uses besides standardized tests bibliotherapy (patients' written analysis of about 30 works of art characterized by increasing topical, philosophical and psychological complicatedness) and humanistic-structured dance therapy (after G. Ammon) aimed at exposition of bodily disharmony ("Phenomenon-Kinezi" and "Phenomenon-Mirrors"). Presented diagnostic block differs from traditional ones by the combination of diagnostic and therapeutic functions.

The article is accompanied by other authors' response to it.




Inner speech: reality or researchers' imagination figment


N. T. Erchak


The understanding of inner speech nature formed in psychology is contradictory. This conclusion is due to the observations on comprehension and speech processes as well as to some studies' results. In order to overcome these contradictions the most widely spread views on the problem are analyzed. It is hypothesized that the term "inner speech" is to be understood as sign component of consciousness resulting from interiorization of outer speech. It represents central speech core forming inseparable unity with image-bearing and emotional components.


Developmental psychology problems (reading O. Mandelshtam's poetry)


V. P. Zinchenko


The article is dedicated to famous Russian poet 0. Mandelshtam. There is an attempt to reconstruct and systemize his psychological notions and his views on human development. Such a reconstruction can enrich L. S. Vygotsky's and J.  Piaget's theories of developmental psychology. The analogy between activity field of poetry and activity field of psychological reality is offered.


The adaptation of Gifted Children Munich Tests of Cognitive Abilities for Moscow sample


I. S. Averina, E. I. Shcheblanova, Ch. Perleth


The use of standardized tests is not enough for the diagnostics of giftedness because of reduced variance in the upper part of the scale. Multi-level tests—Kognitive Faehigkeitstests (KFT— German tests for cognitive abilities), which proved to be satisfactory for high giftedness diagnostics, are adapted for Moscow sample. The adaptation of KFT is carried out on a sample of 600 gifted 1-st, 3-rd, 5-th, 7-th-, 9-th- and 11-th-graders of Moscow schools (100 from each cohort). The article contains a short description of the subtests of KFT and the experimental data collected during the application of Russian version of KFT as compared to German data. The adaptation of KFT for the Russian sample is evaluated as statistically relevant.


Self-regulation of psychic states in education


A. O. Prohorov


The self-regulation of negative psychic states by students and teachers is studied. The students usually employ for this end the communication, self-orders, switching (cutting off), motor (muscular) lessening of tension. The teachers possess three-level system of self-regulation. Basic level presents long-term motivation condition. Intermediate one is characterized by current self-regulation actualizing positive psychic states during a day. The next level represents operative self-regulation. The types of situations when self-regulation is needed are marked out as well as teacher's dynamic psychic states during a lesson.


The method of personal communicative sets study


A. N. Ivashov, E. V. Zaika


The method described is aimed at the study of positions in contacts—one's own as well as partners' in intercourse. The level of interrelations with different types of partners can be assessed too. Experimental data, results and the procedures of the method's application are presented.


Mental care in Mexico


Yu. F. Polyakov, F. Crus Perez


The modern state and perspectives of mental care service in Mexico are characterized. The role of psychologists and their functions in this service are shown.