Comments on the books, bibliography + Biological basis of psychology

Bleikher V. M. : Ivanov V. (in Russian) 83'3 p.156
Rutman E. M. : Old problems and new methods (in Russian) 84'3 p.164
Liders A. G. : Johst V. (Hrg. ) Biologische Verhaltungsforschung am Menschen (in Russian) 85'3 p.176
Klimenko V. V. , Zhelezniakov A. G. : Diagnosis and development of sensori-motor abilities in young sportsmen (in Russian) 86'6 p.153
Leites N. S. : Psychological problems of failure in mentally retarded pupils (in Russian) 87'6 p.151
: Brief book reviews (in Russian) 88'1 p.168
: Brief book reviews (in Russian) 88'3 p.154
: Brief book reviews (in Russian) 90'5 p.162
Paramei G. V. : Gazzaniga M. S. , Ivry R. B. , Mangun G. R. Cognitive neuroscience. The biology of the mind (in Russian) 03'3 p.147