Psychology abroad + Psychological procedures

Ailamazian A. M. , Lebedeva M. M. : Business games and the use of them in psychological studies (in Russian) 83'2 p.143
Homentauskas G. T. : Use of children's drawings for the study of intra-family relations (in Russian) 86'1 p.165
Burmenskaya G. V. : Sattler J. M. Assessment of childrens intelligence and special abilities (in Russian) 86'1 p.171
Kornilov A. P. : Sprung L. , Sprung H. Fudementals of methodology and use of methods in psychology (in Russian) 87'4 p.161
Guldan V. V. , Romanova O. L. , Ivannykova I. V. : Antinarcotics programmes usage at school 90'6 p.63
Lalayants I. E. , Milovanova L. S. : Tomographs: psychological aspects 91'1 p.143
Burlachuk L. F. , Korzhova E. Yu. : International congresses on Rorschach test and projective techniques 91'4 p.169
Miasoed P. A. : Mental development in preschoolers: A method of mediated express-diagnostics 96'2 p.130