Psychological problems in the family + Psychology abroad

Homentauskas G. T. : Use of children's drawings for the study of intra-family relations (in Russian) 86'1 p.165
Gozman L. Y. , Slutsky V. M. : Kelley H. et al. Close relationships (in Russian) 87'2 p.168
Kerig P. K. : The family context: couple satisfaction, parenting style, and speech to young children 90'1 p.158
Dumitrashku T. A. : Intra-family factors influence on individual formation 91'1 p.135
: Brief book review (in Russian) 02'6 p.127
Byhovets U. V. , Shapiro A. Z. : Cohen E. S. , Rogovin S. A. Couple fits: How to live with the person you love (in Russian) 03'6 p.121