Psychology at the higher school + Psychology of the individual

Regush L. A. : Development of the ability to predict pedagogical phenomena in students of pedagogical institutes 85'1 p.94
Chirkova T. I. : The indices of effectiveness of students' mastering of "Genesis of personality" course (in Russian) 90'3 p.185
Zakharova L. N. : Personal peculiarities, behavior styles and professional self-identification types in future teachers 91'2 p.60
: Morality, aggression, and equity 92'1 p.84
Saenko Yu. V. : Superstitions of modern students 04'4 p.122
Pasternak N. A. : Ability to act "in the mind" as a factor of self-perception 05'1 p.38
Petrova N. I. : Dynamics of self-actualization in students of arts 05'1 p.45