Psychology at school + Psychology and practice

: Computer in teaching: Psychological-pedagogical problems (round-table talk) (in Russian) 87'1 p.60
: Review of round-table talk on psychological-pedagogical problems of computerisation of school education (in Russian) 87'1 p.84
Shenshev L. V. : Computerization of school education as a complex problem 87'1 p.89
Filippov A. V. , Kovalev S. V. : Study of the motivation for refreshing training in the administrative personnel 87'1 p.118
Filatov V. M. , Filatova G. E. : Social-psychological training in professional preparation of the foreign language teacher 87'2 p.80
Sholomy Ê. Ì. : A way to use a computer in teaching general education subjects 87'5 p.112
Morgoun V. F. : Experience of the reorganization of psychological preparation of teachers 88'2 p.83
Regoush L. A. : Training of the facility of observation in teachers 88'3 p.86
Doubrovina I. V. : Tasks and subject-matter of the psychological service at school 88'5 p.47
Khomik V. S. : Programs for surmounting bad habits in USA schoolchildren 89'1 p.148
Kotyukova V. P. , Tkachenko E. I. , Prezhesetskaya S. I. , Tatarchuk D. P. : Psychological service in school as a necessary condition of advanced formation of teacher's mastery (in Russian) 89'2 p.181
Levin V. A. : Difficulties and happiness of reciprocity 90'5 p.89
Guldan V. V. , Romanova O. L. , Ivannykova I. V. : Antinarcotics programmes usage at school 90'6 p.63
Prohorov A. O. : Teacher's and schoolchildren's psychic states' interaction during the lesson 90'6 p.68
Shteinmez A. E. : The study of pupils' collective and personality by pedagogical students 91'5 p.80
Andrushchenko T. Yu. , Karabekova N. V. : Psychic development of junior schoolchildren correction on the early stages of education 93'1 p.47
Myasoed P. A. : The theory and practice in school psychologist activity 93'4 p.73
Pryazhnikov N. S. , Pryazhnikov E. Yu. : The organizational principles and perspectives of school psychological service in Russia 94'2 p.99
Yakovleva E. L. : Psychological conditions of creative potential development in schoolchildren 94'5 p.37
Romanov O. I. , Ivannikova I. V. : The experience of divergent behavior prevention by psychological prevention program in "difficult" form 94'6 p.45
Anufriev A. F. , Kostromina S. N. : Diagnostic problems solution process study by a practical psychologist in education system 00'6 p.26
Tsylev V. R. : How to choose the convenient form for a child starting school 03'4 p.26
Dubrovina I. V. : Practical psychology of education at the Psychological Institute 04'2 p.42
Stepanova M. A. : Practical psychology of education: Conflicts, paradoxes, prospects 04'4 p.91
Yudina E. G. : The meeting of discussion club of Federation of Russian educational psychologists (in Russian) 05'4 p.148
Pakhaliyan V. E. : Practical psychology of education in Russia: No paradoxes 05'5 p.75