Psychology of training + Pedagogical psychology

Zak A. Z. : Development of the capacity for mental behavior in I-Õ grade school-children 83'1 p.43
Repkina N. V. : Memory and peculiarities of goal-setting in the learning activity of younger school-children 83'1 p.51
Dusavitsky A. K. : Interpersonal relations in younger school age and their dependance on teaching methods 83'1 p.58
Mikulinskaya M. Ya. : Levels of understanding sentences, and ways to reveal them 83'4 p.54
Olkinuora E. : Psychological analysis of difficulties in learning activity of schoolchildren 83'4 p.72
: Psychological-pedagogical problems of creating and using textbooks (Round-table discussion) (in Russian) 83'4 p.77
: Psychological-pedagogical problems of making and using the textbook (round-table talk) (continuation) (in Russian) 83'5 p.66
Ivashchenko F. I. : Psychological peculiarities of the labour activity in senior schoolchildren 83'6 p.28
Lipkina A. I. : Personal meaning of learning factors for schoolchildren 83'6 p.35
: Psychological-pedagogical problems of creating and using textbooks (round-table discussion) (in Russian) 83'6 p.57
: Round-table discussion of psychological problems related to the teaching of 6-year-olds at school (announcement) (in Russian) 83'6 p.104
Atutov P. R. , Klimov E. A. : Issues in psychological preparation of the youth for work and for selection of a profession 84'1 p.13
: Psychological-pedagogical problems in the teaching and education of 6-year-old children (Round-table talk) (in Russian) 84'4 p.30
Atemasov A. V. : Role of words in abstraction by preschoolers of objects' properties 84'4 p.56
Brusentsova T. N. : Study of cognitive styles in a computer-based teaching system 84'4 p.70
Emelyanov P. E. : Development of creative attitude to the future job in students of pedagogical schools 84'4 p.77
Manukyan S. P. : Personality needs in some pedagogical theories of learning motivation 84'4 p.130
Matthes G. : On the role of psychodiagnostics in elimination of backwardness in school (in Russian) 84'4 p.152
Monakhov V. M. : Problems of the contents and methods of teaching in the light of the school reform 84'5 p.5
Makhmutov M. I. : The principle of problem learning 84'5 p.30
Amonashvili Sh. A. : Development of cognitive activity in pupils of a primary school 84'5 p.36
Kulyutkin Yu. N. : Personality factors in the process of development of cognitive activity in schoolchildren 84'5 p.41
Sukhobskaya G. S. : Psychological aspects of problem learning and development of cognitive activity in adult students 84'5 p.45
: Psychological-pedagogical problems of teaching and education of 6-year-old children (round-table talk) (in Russian) 84'5 p.49
Milrud R. P. : Personal meaning of studying a foreign language in future teachers 84'5 p.87
Dubrovina I. V. , Kruglov B. S. : Psychology in realization of complex purposive programmes 84'6 p.53
Valitov M. S. : Specificity of vocational consultation of adolescents 84'6 p.60
Klimenko A. I. : Solution of problems by students as . a means of teaching psychology 84'6 p.85
Rean A. A. : Intensity and attractiveness as parameters of common learning activity 84'6 p.102
Matiukhina M. V. : Specificity of learning motivation in younger schoolchildren 85'1 p.43
Semenova M. A. : Criteria of the finality of the notion of size in younger schoolchildren 85'1 p.67
Dosmayeva G. N. , Liders A. G. : About one procedure of adaptation of a learning ability test 85'1 p.162
Dmitriyev D. B. : Psychological specificity of formulation of instructional tasks to younger schoolchildren 85'2 p.60
Furman A. V. : Effect of some characteristics of the problem situation on development of thinking in schoolchildren 85'2 p.68
Shcheglova Ò. Ì. : Dynamics of professional-pedagogical orientation in students 85'2 p.73
Tsvetkov S. A. : Diagnostics of the level of preparedness for learning in younger schoolchildren 85'2 p.91
Monakhov V. M. : Psychological-pedagogical problems of ensuring the computer-competence in pupils 85'3 p.14
Gergei T. , Mashbitz Ye. I. : Psychological-pedagogical problems of efficient application of computers in the process of teaching 85'3 p.41
Zak A. Z. : Relation between learning and mental development in schoolchildren 85'3 p.49
Klimov Ye. A. : Some psychological principles of preparing the youth for labour and for selestion of a profession 85'4 p.5
Danch I. : Changes in the occupational attitudes of beginning workers (in Russian) 85'4 p.162
Senko Yu. V. : Formation of knowledge acquisition patterns at a lesson 85'5 p.104
Antonova I. P. : Specificity of development of memory in 6-7-years-old children in the process of learning 85'5 p.151
Abramova G. S. : A moral aspect of learning motivation in adolescents 85'6 p.38
: Psychological-educational problems of teaching, education, vocational orientation of schoolchildren (round-table talk) (in Russian) 85'6 p.55
: Review of contributions to round-table talk on psychological-educational problems of teaching, education and vocational orientation of schoolchildren (in Russian) 85'6 p.80
Boltiansky V. G. , Rubtsov V. V. : Problems of computerization of school (in Russian) 85'6 p.177
Elkonin B. D. : Psychological structure of the notion of magnitude 86'1 p.60
Shiyanova E. B. : Development of the mental operation of transformation in schoolchildren 86'1 p.64
: Computer in the classroom: Psychological-pedagogical problems (round-the-table talk) (in Russian) 86'1 p.70
Kalmykova Z. I. : Comprehension of the instructional material by schoolchildren 86'1 p.87
Filippova Ye. V. : Development of logical operations in 6-years-old children 86'2 p.43
Nguen-Ke-Khao : Psychological specificity of mastering mathematics by 6-7-years-old children 86'2 p.51
Iziumova S. A. : Mnemonic abilities and acquisition of knowledge in school 86'3 p.53
Shlychkova A. N. : Involuntary and voluntary memorization of meaningful material by senior schoolchildren' 86'3 p.158
Poddiakov A. N. : Variability in transformation of an object by pre-school children as a condition for understanding its meaning 86'4 p.49
Kaptelinin V. N. : Psychological problems of development of computer competence in schoolchildren 86'5 p.54
Obnosov V. N. : Dynamics of the professional knowledge in students of vocational-training schools as a function of the method of introduction into the trade 86'6 p.28
Zhuikov S. F. : Psychological requirements to improved text-books on the Russian language 86'6 p.33
Hrabal V. : Some issues in the learning motivation of schoolchildren 87'1 p.56
: Computer in teaching: Psychological-pedagogical problems (round-table talk) (in Russian) 87'1 p.60
: Review of round-table talk on psychological-pedagogical problems of computerisation of school education (in Russian) 87'1 p.84
Shenshev L. V. : Computerization of school education as a complex problem 87'1 p.89
Nikoliukina M. I. : Ways to increase pupils' activity at the lessons on "Ethics and psychology of the family life" 87'1 p.99
Shcherbakova N. G. : Family as a factor in development of the learning-cognitive motivation of junior schoolchildren 87'2 p.47
Gilbukh Y. Z. : The concept of proximal zone of development and its possible role in solution of urgent problems in educational psychology 87'3 p.33
Shkolnik L. S. , Kostenko N. V. , Manayev Î. Ò. , Saar A. A. : Educational use of the TV informational-publicistic broadcasts for adolescents 87'3 p.97
Tarasov G. S. : On the communicative nature of musical abilities 87'3 p.115
Smirnov A. I. : Professiographic aspects of decision-making in vocational choice 87'3 p.139
Lingart J. , Tourkova M. : Improvements in the initial stages of teaching to read 87'3 p.165
Prygin G. S. , Stepansky V. I. , Fariutin V. P. : Correlation between vocational self-determination and peculiarities of self-regulation in senior schoolchildren 87'4 p.45
Zemtsova L. I. : Schoolchildren's motivation when passing through the course "Fundamentals of information science" 87'4 p.51
Bertzfai L. V. : Specificity of controlling behavior in learning 87'4 p.55
Barkan A. I. : Peculiarities of pictorial activity of the first-year pupils in the period of adaptation to the school life 87'4 p.67
Naumenko S. I. : Promotion of musical abilities in younger schoolchildren in the process of individual instruction 87'4 p.71
Fedotchev A. I. : Perception and memory in tenth-grade pupils who started studying at 6 and 7 years 87'4 p.76
: Psychology of the dialogue and pedagogics of creative cooperation (round-table talk: Psychological problems of promoting initiative and creativity in a teacher) 87'4 p.83
Gerasimova V. S. : Effect of an elective course on psychology on senior schoolchildren 87'4 p.88
Priazhnikov N. S. : Business game as a means of activizing vocational self-determination of schoolchildren 87'4 p.92
Veraksa N. E. : Appearance of prerequisites of dialectical thinking in pre-school age 87'4 p.135
Rivina I. V. : Development of learning-cognitive operations in younger schoolchildren as a function of the type of their collective activity. 87'5 p.62
Knyaseva O. L. : Specificity of pre-schoolers' searching activity in solving visual-practical problems 87'5 p.86
Muldarov V. K. , Rubtsov V. V. : Normative diagnosis of the level of a learning-cognitive activity in a schoolchild 87'5 p.147
Chebykin A. Ya. : The problem of emotional control over the learning-cognitive activity 87'6 p.42
Tsaregorodtseva L. M. : Psychological conditions required for organization of contacts between children in the Infants' house 87'6 p.84
Rabinovich P. D. , Nuzhdina M. P. : Students' achievements as a function of peculiarities of their character and of the state of their attention 87'6 p.112
Uliyenkova U. V. , Peshkova T. G. : S. N. Lysenkova's organizational-methodic system of learning (in Russian) 87'6 p.156
Razhnikov V. G. : Three principles of new pedagogics in the teaching of musicians 88'1 p.33
Ionin G. N. : Some problems of teaching literature at school (in Russian) 88'1 p.64
Ilyin Ye. N. : In place of an answer to scientists who summarize the experience of innovators 88'1 p.71
Kotchetkov A. N. : To be a personality, to develop a personality 88'1 p.74
Borisova Ye. M. , Gourevitch K. M. : Psychological diagnostics . in vocational guidance at school 88'1 p.77
Gist H. : Mental development of schoolchildren by means available in the process of learning 88'1 p.88
Volkov I. P. : Present-day issues in the psychology of physical training 88'1 p.115
Monakhov V. M. : Informational teaching techniques from the point of view of methodological tasks put forward by the reform of the school 88'2 p.27
Zhuikov S. F. : The problem of intensification of the process of teaching Russian in the national school 88'2 p.37
Margoulis Ye. D. : Psychological peculiarities of computer-assisted educational games 88'2 p.45
Kourganov S. Yu. : Psychology of the instructional dialogue 88'2 p.87
Yakobson S. G. , Doronova T. N. : Psychological principles of development of initial forms of learning in preschool children 88'3 p.30
Roubtsov V. V. , Nevouyeva L. Yu. , Polivanova N. I. , Rivina I. V. , Oulanovskaya I. M. , Sergeyeva T. A. , Tsoneva V. , Tcherniavskaya A. G. : Organization of instruction in classes equipped with micro-computers 88'3 p.79
Hokoun A. A. : Word-processors as means of teaching written speech 88'3 p.100
Bedniy G. Z. : Psychological problems of designing the temporal structure of activity, and the problem of teaching methods of efficient work 88'4 p.108
Rubtsov V. V. , Slobodchikov V. I. : Problems and perspectives in elementary education (in Russian) 88'4 p.179
Starzhinskaya N. S. : Development of synthetic reading in 6-year-old children 88'5 p.54
Zemtsova L. I. , Yermolayeva O. Yu. : Schoolchildren's motivation for the study of the information science 88'5 p.78
Korostelyova I. S. , Rotenberg V. S. : Search activities: problems of teaching and development 88'6 p.60
Akimova M. K. , Kozlova V. T. : Taking into account of psychological differences of schoolchildren in the learning process 88'6 p.71
Orlov A. B. : The prospects of humanistic teaching 88'6 p.142
Margoulis Ye. D. : Theory and practice of the use of computers in the process of education (in Russian) 88'6 p.173
Vartanov A. V. , Zhudov V. K. , Kiosa M. N. , Sokotov E. N. : The experience of teaching programming at school 89'1 p.73
Koulyutkin U. N. : Psychological aspects of education of adults 89'2 p.5
Venger L. A. , Ibatullina A. A. : Correlation of instruction, psychological development and functional peculiarities of the ripening brain 89'2 p.20
Potapova A. Ya. : Factors of formation of effective identification skills in instruction 89'2 p.124
Tsvetkova T. K. : Issue of instructional cooperation in psychological and educational studies in the USA 89'2 p.148
Yakimanskaya I. S. , Yudashina N. I. : Cognitive interests' peculiarities of senior schoolchildren during differentiated education 89'3 p.32
Sokhin F. A. : Psychologo-pedagogical problems of speech development in preschoolers 89'3 p.39
Vanek D. , Man F. : Teacher's professional training and problems of motivation forming and action control 89'3 p.75
Trofaila L. N. : Special features of Russian language mastering by Moldavian schoolchildren 89'3 p.88
Shodiev H. : Psychological reasons of Uzbeck schoolchildren's errors in Russian spelling 89'3 p.94
Guliev A. A. : Formation of language construction by Azerbaijanian schoolchildren when mastering Russian 89'3 p.99
Zadorozchnyuk I. Ye. : Problems of pedagogical and educational psychology at XXIV International psychological congress (in Russian) 89'3 p.181
Kudina G. N. , Novlyanskaya Z. N. : Psychological-pedagogical principles of literature learning in primary school 89'4 p.59
Krupnick E. P. : Philosophical psychological problems of educational influence of art 89'4 p.102
Aseev V. G. : Psychological problems of schoolchildren's occupational education (in Russian) 89'4 p.174
Nikeshichev M. V. : The importance of students' individual differences qualities of different stages of learning process 89'5 p.35
Natarov V. I. , Soloviev A. S. : Individual-psychological characteristics of external students and the success of their learning 89'5 p.52
Voskanian K. V. : Construction of geometrical figures as a means of schoolchildren's cognitive development 89'6 p.56
Nikolaeva E. I. , Subbotina N. M. : Functional asymmetry and neurotization level in schoolchildren working on a computer 89'6 p.135
Bulohov V. Ya. : Operative memory and spelling mistakes of pupils 90'1 p.28
Berezhkovskaya E. L. , Varentsova N. S. : Teaching to 5-years-old children the beginnings of spoiling 90'1 p.33
Tsukerman G. A. : The objectiveness of joint educational activity 90'1 p.41
Shakirova G. M. : Psychological peculiarities of students' adoption of moral notions during literature lessons 90'1 p.56
Makarova V. I. : Collective form of problem teaching in spelling 90'1 p.65
Samoukina N. V. : The schoolchildren's activization in professional self-determination 90'1 p.69
Milrud R. P. : The forming of professional convictions in future teachers 90'1 p.77
Kudina G. N. : Psychological criteria of effectiveness in literary teaching at school 90'2 p.50
Lishin O. V. , Bostanzhieva T. H. , Provorova I. S. : The peculiarities of personal self-determination of Nenets children dwelling in boarding-schools 90'2 p.70
Ratanova T. A. : The development of differential sensitiveness to spatial-temporal parameters of movements during sports lessons 90'2 p.82
Faraponova E. A. , Ushnev S. V. : The role of learning-labor activity in forming of schoolchildren's psychological readiness for labor 90'4 p.75
Ratanova T. A. : The means of schoolchildren's learning activity activization 90'5 p.81
Ukke U. V. : Diagnostics of consciousness of vocational choice in Japanese schoolchildren 90'5 p.150
Guldan V. V. , Romanova O. L. , Ivannykova I. V. : Antinarcotics programmes usage at school 90'6 p.63
Prohorov A. O. : Teacher's and schoolchildren's psychic states' interaction during the lesson 90'6 p.68
Antonova G. P. , Antonova I. P. : Junior schoolchildren's ability to learn and suggestibility 91'4 p.42
Shehter M. S. : Image-bearing components of knowledge in education 91'4 p.50
Artamonova E. R. : The problem of schoolchildren's knowledge mastering in P. P. Blonsky's scientific inheritance 91'4 p.112
Suvorova V. V. : Literary abilities of special mathematic form students 91'5 p.35
Bulohov V. Ya. : On the psychology of spelling mistakes in words - predicates 91'5 p.47
Davydov V. V. : Learning activity: Modern situation and research problems 91'6 p.5
Tkacheva L. F. : Psychological peculiarities of Russian language mastering by Ukrainian children in bilinguistic situation 91'6 p.38
Orlova L. V. : Students' intellectual inactivity 91'6 p.45
Petrivnyaya I. V. : Integrative-intensive foreign language course: psychological aspects of future teachers' personal development 91'6 p.59
Zaika E. V. : The complex of exercises for logic memory development in schoolchildren 91'6 p.83
Pasechnic I. D. : Operational structures of systematization in adolescents' mastering of mathematics 91'6 p.133
Asmolov A. G. , Yagodin G. A. : Education as an expansion of personality abilities 92'1 p.6
Osnitsky A. K. : The skills of self-regulation in vocational self-determination 92'1 p.52
Atakhanov R. A. : Concerning some diagnostic methods in mathematical thinking development 92'1 p.60
Davydov V. V. , Slobodchlkov V. I. , Tsukerman G. A. : Junior schoolchild as a subject of learning activity 92'3 p.14
Il'in G. L. : Untraditional forms of social experience assimilation in educative psychology context 92'3 p.19
Frumin I. D. , El'konin B. D. : Educational space as a space of development ("school of maturing") 93'1 p.24
Andrushchenko T. Yu. , Karabekova N. V. : Psychic development of junior schoolchildren correction on the early stages of education 93'1 p.47
Tsukerman G. A. , Elizarova N. V. , Frumina M. , Tchudinova E. V. : Learning collaboration training 93'2 p.35
Zaika E. V. : The complex of games for imagination development 93'2 p.54
Carpay J. , Van_Oers B. : Didactic models and the problem of educational discussion 93'4 p.20
Brofman V. V. : The formation of mediated solution in construction problems by senior pre-schoolers 93'5 p.30
Bol'shunova N. Ya. : The usage of fairy-tale in pre-school education 93'5 p.39
Yakimanskaya I. S. : Requirements to learning programmes aimed at schoolchildren's personal development 94'2 p.64
Bain B. , Yu A. , Panarin I. A. : Raising children bilingually: Re-reading L. Vygotsky and A. Luria 94'3 p.68
Pantina N. S. : The importance of topical-situative forms of activity for preschooler's development 94'4 p.67
Repkin V. V. , Repkina G. V. , Zaika E. V. : Psychological-pedagogical monitoring in learning activity 95'1 p.13
Venger A. L. , Desyatnikova Yu. M. : Group training of senior schoolchildren for their social adaptation 95'1 p.25
Yakimanskaya I. S. : Elaboration of personality-centered education technology 95'2 p.31
Pantina N. S. : An experience in psychologo-pedagogical programming of learning to read by the preschoolers 95'2 p.42
Voskanyan K. V. : Different methods of geometrical problems' solving as a means to develop schoolchildren's thinking 95'5 p.26
Kossov B. B. : Generalization of higher education contents as a factor of its development 95'6 p.9
Shumakova N. B. : Interdisciplinary approach to gifted children education 96'3 p.34
Granik G. G. , Kontsevaya L. A. : Schoolchild's comprehension of fiction 96'3 p.43
Davydov V. V. , Kudryavtsev V. T. : Developing education: Theoretical basis of preschool and junior school stages continuity 97'1 p.3
Abdurasulova T. D. : Normative diagnostics of psychological prerequisites for school education readiness in 4-5-year-olds 97'2 p.23
Verbitsky A. A. , Bakshaeva N. A. : Motive transformation in context education theory 97'3 p.12
Savchenko E. A. : On senior schoolchildren's readiness to oppose amoral actions 97'3 p.22
Repkina N. V. : Developing education in school practice 97'3 p.40
Isaev E. I. : The problem of teacher's psychological education projecting 97'6 p.48
Rean A. A. : Pedagogical psychology: Scientific psychological basis of educative practice (in Russian) 98'1 p.146
Klimov E. A. : What psychology and how do we teach future educators 98'2 p.57
Jasvin V. A. : Psychological-pedagogical correction of subjective attitude towards nature in ecological education 98'4 p.3
Prokhorov A. O. , Gening G. N. : Special features of junior schoolchildren psychic states . 98'4 p.42
Tsukerman G. A. : What is and what is not developed by learning activity in junior schoolchildren? 98'5 p.68
Chudinova E. V. : Children's work with hypotheses in El'konin's - Davydov's educative system 98'5 p.85
Poddyakov A. N. : Opposition to education and development as pedagogic method 99'1 p.13
Antonova G. P. , Ikunina Z. I. , Antonova I. P. , Antonova N. A. : The influence of senior preschoolers' intellect on educative efficacy 99'2 p.12
Dontsov A. I. , Belokrylova G. M. : Students-psychologists' professional notions 99'2 p.42
Tsukerman G. A. : Education, creativity and understanding as synonyms (in Russian) 99'2 p.110
Yakimanskaya I. S. : Educational programs providing personal development principles and methods of construction 99'3 p.39
Volochkov A. A. , Vyatkin B. A. : Individual style of learning activity in junior schoolchildren 99'5 p.10
Tsukerman G. A. : Junior schoolchild as a subject of learning activity: Typological analysis 99'6 p.3
Khasan B. I. , Sergomanov P. A. : Learning as a productive conflict 00'2 p.79
Starzhinskaya N. S. : Construction of acquisition of kindred language in preschoolers 00'4 p.45
: Individual work with a child as a condition of his/her personality development (in Russian) 00'4 p.148
Shekhter M. S. , Potapova A. Ya. : New ideas in perception psychology of 'soft' models and how they function in teaching and cognitive processes 00'5 p.56
Moliako V. A. : Psychological training system for constructive thinking 00'5 p.136
Aristova T. A. : Psychophysiological causes of difficulty in teaching reading and writing and how to overcome them 00'5 p.142
Goncharova E. B. : Making the motivation in teenagers training activity 00'6 p.132
Stepanova M. A. : The problem of education and development in the works of L. S. Vygotsky and P. Ya. Galperin 01'4 p.106
Kaminskaya M. V. : The problem of mastering the teaching profession in the context of the theory of Elkonin-Davydov 01'5 p.49
Chuprikova N. I. : Structure and development of the complex system of notions linked to the concept "tree" 01'5 p.86
Beloshistaya A. V. : Individualization in teaching mathematics 01'5 p.116
Matveyev A. V. : Problems of designing a course of physics according to Elkonin-Davydov's theory of developmental education 01'5 p.124
Beloshistaya A. V. : Teaching maths in primary school on the basis of correction and development 02'6 p.32
Lokalova N. P. : Psychological development as part of education 03'1 p.27
Shcheblanova E. I. : School problems of gifted children 03'3 p.132
Bogdanov E. N. , Ivanov G. P. , Chikalov N. A. : Effects of radioactive contamination on mental development in senior schoolchildren 03'4 p.19
Tsylev V. R. : How to choose the convenient form for a child starting school 03'4 p.26
Tsukerman G. A. : At the source of a learning community: A microanalysis of a lesson in a first form 03'4 p.104
Abramenkova V. V. : Sex role differentiation and sexualization of childhood: The bitter taste of a forbidden fruit 03'5 p.103
Lokalova N. P. : Lessons in psychological development for junior adolescents 03'6 p.40
Tsukerman G. A. : Development of a classroom community 04'1 p.50
Bugrimenko E. A. : The sign and the position in the experimental genetic method 04'1 p.80
Shumakova N. B. : Influence of parental conceptions of school on development of child's giftedness 04'2 p.119
Tarasova S. A. : The role of questions in primary schoolers' understanding of a text 04'4 p.40
Staragina I. P. : Age capacity of primary school children for constructing a written text 04'4 p.48
Stepanova M. A. : Mental development under "non-developing" instruction 04'5 p.33
Vasilieva I. A. , Pashchenko E. I. , Petrova N. N. , Osipova E. M. : Psychological factors of computer anxiety 04'5 p.56
Dubovitskaya T. D. : The problem of diagnosing educational motivation 05'1 p.73
Tsukerman G. A. : Elkonin - Davydov system as a means to increase the competence of Russian schoolchildren 05'4 p.84
Chudinova E. V. : Special features of modeling in learning activity of adolescent 05'4 p.107
Fatyhova R. M. , Ivanchenko T. P. : The problems of promotion of psychological culture for future psychologists (in Russian) 05'4 p.154
Sukharev A. V. , Bukhareva S. L. : Characteristics of ethnic identity of adolescents in ethnically orientated instructional centers 05'6 p.82