Personalia (analysis of proceeding of the scientists, commemorative publications) + Psychology abroad

Tutunjyan Î. Ì. : Works of L. S. Vygotsky in the North America 83'2 p.139
Toutounjyan O. M. : The psychological heritage of L. S. Vygotsky in Western Europe 89'1 p.156
Baker K. G. : Bowen Family Systems Theory and therapy 91'6 p.155
Tikhomirov O. K. : K. Popper and psychology 95'4 p.116
Jung C. G. : Siegmund Freud 96'2 p.86
Stetsenko A. P. : The notes on L. S. Vygotsky's popularity in Western universities 97'1 p.107
: Brief book review (in Russian) 02'2 p.124