Higher mental functions (perception, memory, attention, thought, speech etc.) + Pedagogical psychology

Repkina N. V. : Memory and peculiarities of goal-setting in the learning activity of younger school-children 83'1 p.51
Novak Z. : Some issues in the study and prediction of verbal abilities in schoolchildren 83'3 p.46
Suvorov A. V. : The problem of forming imagination in blind-deaf-and-dumb children 83'3 p.62
Akopov A. Yu. : Comparative study of predictive activity in preschool children, adults, and schizophrenic patients 83'3 p.97
Leibin V. M. : Fromm Å. Greatness and limitations of Freud's thought (in Russian) 83'4 p.158
Slutsky V. M. : Langer J. The origins of logic (six to twelve months) (in Russian) 83'6 p.133
Fedotchev A. I. : Perception and estimation of time in schoolchildren 84'1 p.80
Smirnova E. O. : Brainerd Ch. J. (ed. ) Children's logical and mathematical cognition: Progress in cognitive development research (in Russian) 84'1 p.157
Baram D. P. : Educational and vocational interests in schoolchildren with different manifestations of cognitive processes 84'2 p.61
Shchetinina A. M. : Perception and understanding by preschool children of man's emotional states 84'3 p.60
Lingart I. : Urgent issues in the theory of learning (in Russian) 84'5 p.152
Matiukhina M. V. : Specificity of learning motivation in younger schoolchildren 85'1 p.43
Karpov Yu. V. , Talysina N. F. : Criteria of intellectual development of children 85'2 p.52
Furman A. V. : Effect of some characteristics of the problem situation on development of thinking in schoolchildren 85'2 p.68
Poddiakov N. N. : Development of thinking in pre-school children 85'2 p.105
Zak A. Z. : Relation between learning and mental development in schoolchildren 85'3 p.49
Gnedova N. M. , Blinova S. M. : Voluntary memory in 4-6-years old children under conditions of communication 85'3 p.67
Marantsman V. G. : Age and individual differences in perception of literary texts by schoolchildren. 85'5 p.54
Antonova I. P. : Specificity of development of memory in 6-7-years-old children in the process of learning 85'5 p.151
Telegina E. D. , Gagai V. V. : Types of learning operation aria1 their role in the development of creative thinking in younger schoolchildren 86'1 p.47
Shoumakova N. B. : Inquisitive activity in the form of questions in different age periods 86'1 p.53
Burmenskaya G. V. : Sattler J. M. Assessment of childrens intelligence and special abilities (in Russian) 86'1 p.171
Kouliutkin Yu. N. : Creative thinking in professional activity of teachers 86'2 p.21
Filippova Ye. V. : Development of logical operations in 6-years-old children 86'2 p.43
Borisova E. M. , Loginova G. P. : Diagnosis of mental development of schoolchildren on the basis of qualitative analysis of test results 86'2 p.149
Daunis I. B. : Correlation between personality and the level of goal control of activity in pre-schoolers 86'3 p.44
Iziumova S. A. : Mnemonic abilities and acquisition of knowledge in school 86'3 p.53
Shlychkova A. N. : Involuntary and voluntary memorization of meaningful material by senior schoolchildren' 86'3 p.158
Poddiakov A. N. : Variability in transformation of an object by pre-school children as a condition for understanding its meaning 86'4 p.49
Zakharova S. A. : Cognitive differentiation and specificity of development of generalizations in the sphere of imagination in senior schoolchildren 86'4 p.53
Sergienko E. A. : Statical and dynamical in the visual world of an infant 86'4 p.163
Soubbotsky Ye. V. : Some peculiarities of children's ideas concerning man's psyche 86'5 p.45
Batarshev A. B. : Effects of methods and forms of teaching on intellectual development of students of vocational training schools 87'1 p.34
Dyatchenko O. M. : Ways of promoting imagination in schoolchildren 87'1 p.44
Elkoninova L. I. : Age characteristics of anticipation in thinking of pre-schoolers 87'2 p.33
Volovikova M. I. : Intellectual development and moral statements in younger schoolchildren 87'2 p.40
Isenina E. I. : Initial stage in the development of speech: Problems and hypotheses 87'2 p.104
Ermakova E. S. : Study of flexibility of thinking in children 87'2 p.118
Samarova O. V. : Communication while learning a foreign language, and emotionality 87'3 p.91
Gankova Z. A. : Development of the proving reasoning in youth 87'3 p.133
Zemtsova L. I. : Schoolchildren's motivation when passing through the course "Fundamentals of information science" 87'4 p.51
Fedotchev A. I. : Perception and memory in tenth-grade pupils who started studying at 6 and 7 years 87'4 p.76
Veraksa N. E. : Appearance of prerequisites of dialectical thinking in pre-school age 87'4 p.135
Konovalov V. F. , Zhuravliov G. I. , Serikov I. S. : Quality of simple and complicated forms of memory as a function of age and sex 87'4 p.139
Knyaseva O. L. : Specificity of pre-schoolers' searching activity in solving visual-practical problems 87'5 p.86
Osipova E. K. : Structure of the pedagogical thinking in a teacher 87'5 p.144
Chebykin A. Ya. : The problem of emotional control over the learning-cognitive activity 87'6 p.42
Milrud R. P. : Emotional regulation in teaching 87'6 p.47
Pavlova A. A. , Shustova L. A. : A procedure to assess the state of speech in children 87'6 p.123
Aleksandrova N. I. , Shulga T. I. : Study of volitional qualities of schoolchildren with the help of the "unsolvable problem" procedure 87'6 p.130
Subbotsky E. V. : Development in children of the object permanence concept 87'6 p.139
Gist H. : Mental development of schoolchildren by means available in the process of learning 88'1 p.88
Ibragimov H. I. : Percertual differentiation and operational thinking in 4-8-years-old chidren 88'1 p.158
Gorbatchiova Ye. I. : Criterion-oriented tests in the diagnostics of mental development of schoolchildren 88'2 p.51
Soubbotskiy Ye. V. : Phenomenal and rational perception by preschoolers of relations between objects 88'2 p.58
Zak A. Z. : "Author's thinking" in younger schoolchildren making up a problem 88'2 p.69
Mariutina T. M. , Meshkova T. A. , Gavrish N. V. : On correlation between properties of attention and academic achievements in 2-nd form schoolchildren 88'3 p.36
Karpov Yu. V. : On correlation between developmental and functional stages of intelligence 88'3 p.58
Sharaga Ya. V. : Activity of self-comprehension in schoolchildren solving intellectual problems 88'4 p.79
Fedotchev A. I. , Soboleva S. I. : Changes with age and stability of individual mnestic characteristics in schoolchildren 88'5 p.145
: Brief book reviews (in Russian) 88'5 p.169
Tchuprikova N. I. : On the nature of the non-retention phenomena in Piaget tasks 88'6 p.41
Dyatchenko Î. M. : On the main directions in the imagination development of a preschooler 88'6 p.52
Yashchishin K. E. : The method of identifying and estimating of the senior schoolchildren operative thinking development 89'1 p.128
Potapova A. Ya. : Factors of formation of effective identification skills in instruction 89'2 p.124
Zarakovsky G. M. , Rysakova S. L. , Tourzin P. S. : Peculiarities of designing verbal visual codes to bilingual operators 89'2 p.128
Sokhin F. A. : Psychologo-pedagogical problems of speech development in preschoolers 89'3 p.39
Shodiev H. : Psychological reasons of Uzbeck schoolchildren's errors in Russian spelling 89'3 p.94
Guliev A. A. : Formation of language construction by Azerbaijanian schoolchildren when mastering Russian 89'3 p.99
: Brief books review (in Russian) 89'4 p.167
Medvedev A. M. , Nezhnov P. O. : Schoolchildren's theoretical analysis study 89'5 p.137
Peresleni L. I. , Chuprov L. F. : The determination of developmental levels of verbal-logical thinking in schoolchildren 89'5 p.154
Voskanian K. V. : Construction of geometrical figures as a means of schoolchildren's cognitive development 89'6 p.56
Kerig P. K. : The family context: couple satisfaction, parenting style, and speech to young children 90'1 p.158
Smirnova E. O. : The development of will and arbitrariness in early ontogenesis 90'3 p.49
Maraev V. A. , Holopova G. P. : Professionalization of students' memory 90'3 p.94
Belyakova L. I. , Matanova V. : Psycholinguistic characteristics of stammering preschoolers' speech 90'4 p.61
Rutman E. M. : Studies of attention development in ontogenesis 90'4 p.161
Ratanova T. A. : The means of schoolchildren's learning activity activization 90'5 p.81
Sapogova Ye. Ye. : Coordination of the whole and the parts as one of possible imagination's mechanisms 90'6 p.45
Aminev G. A. , Kudashev A. R. : The structure of dynamic determinants of students' intellectual 90'6 p.140
Tudge J. R. H. : The effects of collaboration and communication between peers (5-9 years olds) on their cognitive development 91'1 p.33
Telegina T. L. , Pigareva M. L. : Correlation between the development of mental operations and emotional experience in preschoolers during play 91'1 p.108
Kotyrlo V. K. , Dutkevich T. V. : Role of preschoolers' joint work in the development of cognitive activity 91'2 p.50
Tarasov G. S. : Schoolchildren's musical perception psychology 91'2 p.107
Nemensky B. M. : Emotional-image-bearing cognition in human development 91'3 p.9
Kataeva A. A. , Obuhova T. I. , Strebeleva E. A. : Concerning the genesis of thinking development in preschoolers 91'3 p.17
Zhitomirskaya I. G. , Oreshkina N. A. : The experience of mental actions diagnostics in senior preschoolers 91'3 p.24
Sinelnikov V. B. : On the image-bearing thinking formation in preschoolers 91'5 p.15
Chebykin A. Ya. : Recognition of schoolchildren's emotions by teachers 91'5 p.74
Nekrasova Yu. B. : Diagnostic peculiarities in patients' with speech disfunction rehabilitation (in Russian) 91'5 p.123
Belopol'skaya N. L. : Emotional reaction to failure correction in retarded children 92'1 p.33
Stepanov V. G. : Symbol's perception by schoolchildren and adults 92'1 p.42
Atakhanov R. A. : Concerning some diagnostic methods in mathematical thinking development 92'1 p.60
Peresleni L. I. : The possibilities of cognitive activity structure examination by prognostication characteristics in children 93'4 p.109
Brofman V. V. : The formation of mediated solution in construction problems by senior pre-schoolers 93'5 p.30
Egorova M. S. , Zyryanova N. M. , P'yankova S. D. : Age-specific changes in genotype-environ connections to mental abilities 93'5 p.106
Bain B. , Yu A. , Panarin I. A. : Raising children bilingually: Re-reading L. Vygotsky and A. Luria 94'3 p.68
Erchak N. T. : Special features of text comprehension by adults and children 94'3 p.82
Gerasimov S. V. : Learning activity and comprehesion 94'3 p.88
Palagina N. N. : Imagination diagnostics in enfants 94'5 p.12
Zaika E. V. : The games for the development of inner planning of activity in schoolchildren 94'5 p.60
Gordeyeva O. V. : The development of the child's conception of emotional ambivalence 94'6 p.26
Zaika E. V. , Nazarova N. P. , Marenich I. A. : Concerning play training of schoolchildren for the development of thinking, imagination and memory 95'1 p.41
Chuprikova NJL , Ratanova T. A. : Intelligence indices and cognitive differentiation in junior school-children 95'3 p.104
Batuev A. S. , Kashchavtsev A. G. , Soboleva M. V. : Newbom enfants' visual tracking in the situation of choice 95'3 p.114
Voskanyan K. V. : Different methods of geometrical problems' solving as a means to develop schoolchildren's thinking 95'5 p.26
Ermakova E. S. : The study of psychological mechanism of preschooler's thinking flexibility 96'1 p.124
Lokalova N. P. : Verbal-sense analysis system in junior schoolchildren and its development 96'2 p.113
Podd'yakov A. N. : Preschoolers' thinking during experimenting with complex objects 96'4 p.14
Batuev A. S. , Kashchavtsev A. G. , Soboleva M. V. : Visual preference as a manifestation of affection during the first year of life 96'4 p.127
Lossky N. O. : The child's mind (in Russian) 96'5 p.135
Belopolskaya N. L. : Zone's of proximal development cognitive and affective components in mentally retarded children 97'1 p.19
Bozhovich E. D. : Schoolchild's language competence development: Problems and approaches 97'1 p.33
Verbitsky A. A. , Bakshaeva N. A. : Motive transformation in context education theory 97'3 p.12
Boomsma D. I. , Van-Baal K. : Genetic influences on childhood IQ study in 5- and 7-year old Dutch twins 97'4 p.117
D'yachenko O. M. : Intellectual differences in child's development 97'4 p.138
Lebedeva S. A. : Preschoolers' learning activity forming based on schematization 97'5 p.20
Vasyukova E. E. : Cognitive need: The levels of development and manifestation in thinking 98'3 p.91
Ermakova E. S. : Preschoolers' thinking flexibility forming 99'4 p.28
Yakobson S. G. , Safonova N. M. : Volitional attention formation in preschoolers 99'5 p.3
Egorova M. S. : Comparison of divergent and convergent peculiarities of cognitive sphere of children (age and genetic analysis) 00'1 p.36
Manelis N. G. , Kasatkin V. N. , Gorina I. S. , Vinogradova N. V. , Chirkova O. Yu. : Neuropsychological model of brain organization of higher psychic functions in children suffering bronchial asthma 00'1 p.46
Dubinko N. A. : Social competence and aggression manifestation in junior school age 00'1 p.53
Lysjuk L. G. : On the development of goal-setting in productive activities of 2-4-year-olds 00'1 p.58
Ushakova T. N. , Barteneva Z. S. : Psychological content of 3-5-year-old child's speech 00'2 p.56
Kagan V. E. : Cognitive and emotional aspects of gender sets in 3-7-year-old children 00'2 p.65
Lutskovskaya S. D. : Time category in children's subjective experience 00'4 p.19
Kiselyov S. Yu. , Lupandin V. I. , Tkachuk I. E. : Older pre-school children intellect and sensomotoric interrelation 00'4 p.38
Starzhinskaya N. S. : Construction of acquisition of kindred language in preschoolers 00'4 p.45
Bylkina N. D. , Liusin D. V. : Emotions cognitive schemes development in ontogenesis 00'5 p.38
Lokalova N. P. : Organization of verbal significant cognitive structure 00'5 p.72
Moliako V. A. : Psychological training system for constructive thinking 00'5 p.136
Aristova T. A. : Psychophysiological causes of difficulty in teaching reading and writing and how to overcome them 00'5 p.142
Yakobson S. G. , Safonova N. M. : Internal acts providing distribution of attention in pre-schoolers 00'6 p.19
Chernov D. N. : Speech development in twins (in Russian) 01'2 p.119
Miasoyed P. A. : Appraisal of intellectual development of junior schoolchildren by a teacher 01'6 p.89
Sorokina V. V. : Negative experiences in primary school children 03'3 p.43
Tambiev A. E. , Medvedev S. D. , Litvinenko O. V. : Development of the main characteristics of attention in children 03'3 p.118
Telegina E. D. , Gagai V. V. : Interrelation between creative thinking and visual perception in primary school children 03'5 p.47
Kaplunovich I. Ya. : Structure and main stages in the development of visual thinking in preschoolers 04'5 p.47
Pasternak N. A. : Ability to act "in the mind" as a factor of self-perception 05'1 p.38
Kovtunovich M. G. : N. A. Menchinskaya's studies of formation of a scientific outlook in the context of modern cognitive psychology 05'3 p.133
Chesnokova O. B. : A developmental approach to studying social intellect in children 05'6 p.35