Psychology of pre-schoolchildren + Psychology abroad

Gavrilova T. A. : New studies of adolescence and youth (in Russian) 84'1 p.152
Burmenskaya G. V. : Sattler J. M. Assessment of childrens intelligence and special abilities (in Russian) 86'1 p.171
Iskoldsky N. V. : Kail R. The development of memory in children (in Russian) 86'2 p.172
Ginzburg M. R. : Tyshkova M. Schoolchildren's behavior in difficult situations (in Russian) 86'6 p.149
Ginzbourg M. R. : Tyshkova M. Development of a child of inside and outside a family (in Russian) 87'5 p.160
Tulviste P. : Rogoff B. , Lave J. Everyday cognition: Its development in social context. (in Russian) 87'6 p.150
Khomik V. S. : Programs for surmounting bad habits in USA schoolchildren 89'1 p.148
: Brief book reviews (in Russian) 90'3 p.167
Ukke U. V. : Diagnostics of consciousness of vocational choice in Japanese schoolchildren 90'5 p.150
Guldan V. V. , Romanova O. L. , Ivannykova I. V. : Antinarcotics programmes usage at school 90'6 p.63
Galiguzova L. N. : The problem of child's social isolation 96'3 p.101
Fenko A. B. : Children and money: Characteristics of economic socialization in the market conditions 00'2 p.94
Shapiro A. Z. , Samodurova I. A. : Van Hoorn J. L. , Komlosi A. , Suchar E. , Samelson D. A. Adolescent development and rapid social change (in Russian) 03'3 p.146