Psychology of pre-schoolchildren + Psychological problems in the family

Gavrilova T. P. : The proper way of talking with parents about education in family 84'1 p.58
Dergachev S. I. : Some experience of labour education of children in a rural school and within family 84'4 p.83
Sokolova E. Ò. , Chesnova I. G. : Self-estimation of an adolescent as a function of attitude of his parents to him 86'2 p.110
Shcherbakova N. G. : Family as a factor in development of the learning-cognitive motivation of junior schoolchildren 87'2 p.47
Kagan V. E. : Familial and sex-role attitudes in adolescents 87'2 p.54
Khomic V. S. , Kronic A. A. : Attitude to time: psychological aspects of early alcohol-addiction and of deviant behavior 88'1 p.98
Rozin M. V. : Attitude to parents and family conflicts in adolescent subculture 90'4 p.91
Moskalenko V. D. : The child, whose parents are alcoholics: Psychological portrait 91'4 p.65
Smirnova E. O. , Lagutina A. E. : Experience realization by children brought up in a family and in an orphanage 91'6 p.30
Romanova O. L. , Petrakova T. I. : Social-psychological mechanisms of children's introduction to the tradition of alcohol drinking 92'5 p.22
Dumitrashku T. A. : Family structure and child's cognitive development 96'2 p.104
Radina N. K. : Study of self-acceptance of Children's Homes inmates and of family children 00'3 p.23
Samoukina N. V. : Symbiotic relationships between mother and her child 00'3 p.67
Tishchenko Yu. V. : Response to frustration in children aged 5-8 from orthodox Christian families belonging to a church community in comparison with their atheist peers 01'6 p.27
Makushina O. P. : Causes of psychological dependence of adolescents upon parents 02'5 p.135
Kukarkina E. V. , Shapiro A. Z. : Maxym C. , York L. Teens in turmoil. A path to change for parents, adolescents, and their families (in Russian) 03'6 p.123
Ravich-Shcherbo I. V. , Rumyantsev A. G. , Kiyan I. G. , Makhaddinova G. N. , Gavrish S. V. : Psychological characteristics of children suffering from acute lymphoblastic leucemia 04'6 p.84