Psycho-diagnosis + Psychology in general

Witzlack G. : The principle of activity in psychodiagnostics and its role in the development of psychodiagnostical techniques (in Russian) 84'4 p.146
Yampolsky L. T. : Typological approach to prediction of clinical peculiarities of chronic alcoholism 86'2 p.91
Ermakova I. V. : Some approaches and perspectives in development of automated psychodiagnostics and prediction abroad (in Russian) 86'4 p.170
Peresleni L. I. Þ. , Mastyukova E. M. : Mentally retarded children: differentiation and diagnostics 89'1 p.55
Trofimova I. N. : The prognosis of human behavior as a result of expert psychodiagnostical system use 94'3 p.115