Neuropsychology + Psychology of pre-schoolchildren

Konovalov V. F. , Burkovetskaya Zh. I. : Peculiarities of functioning of the "biological clock" in schoolchildren 83'3 p.106
Kotik B. S. : Hynd G. W. , Orbzut J. E. (eds. ). Neuropsychological assessment and the school age child, issues and procedures (in Russian) 85'1 p.178
Konovalov V. F. , Serikov I. S. : A study of the hemispheric interaction in children engaged in mnestic activity 86'1 p.137
Eremeyeva V. D. : Lateralization types in children and neurophysiological foundation of individual ability to learn 89'6 p.128
Nikolaeva E. I. , Subbotina N. M. : Functional asymmetry and neurotization level in schoolchildren working on a computer 89'6 p.135
Zavadenko N. N. , Petrukhin A. S. , Suvorinova N. Yu. , Uspenskaya T. Yu. , Manelis N. G. , Borisova T. Kh. : Learning problems in schoolchildren: Psychoneurological and neuropsychological study 99'4 p.21