Neuropsychology + Psychology in general

Khomskaya E. D. : Methodological and theoretical psychological issues in A. R. Luria's works 83'1 p.66
Bekhtereva N. P. , Gogolitsyn Yu. L. , Kropotov Yu. D. , Medvedev S. L. : On some methodological issues in the study of the brain v. mind problem (on the occasion of R. M. Meshchersky's article) 86'4 p.91
: Brief book reviews (in Russian) 88'1 p.168
Nikolayenko N. N. , Chernigovskaya T. V. : Complicated colour images identification and the functional brain asymmetry 89'1 p.107
Chuprikova N. I. : The mind and the subject of psychology in the light of modern neurological science 04'2 p.104