2006'2, p.126
Kornilova T. V. , Stepanosova O. V. , Grigorenko E. L.
Intuition and rationality in the level organization of verbal forecasts in decision-making

The study described looked into the ratio of intuitive and discursive components in making verbal forecasts. During the experiment the subjects were shown the beginning of specially made video-clips which were then interrupted. The subjects were asked to forecast further development of the situations presented in the clips. The study discovered "instrumental" and "personality" effects in the dynamics of forecasting, which may indicate that processes of psychological regulation of decision-making form an open hierarchy and that the cognitive strategy of making forecasts is not pre-conditioned. Consequently, it is necessary to identify processes mediating various stages of decision-making. The paper also discusses the system of personal motivational regulation which determines the ratio of intuitive and rational components in the forecasting process and their link to the dominant level of activity.