2000'2, p.52
Orlov A. B.
From chaos to the order and backward - there, where. . . "everything is all-in"

The author carries on a controversy with V. I. Slobodchikov's understanding of normative structure of individual activity. The detail critical commentary on V. I. Slobodchikov's publication is offered. The analysis of V. I. Slobodchikov's position shows some typical errors committted to "develop" the basic category of Soviet psychology elaborated mainly by A. N. Leont'ev. These errors are: the utter annihilation of the essential and vital property of subject activity - the concept of the subject-matterness; the parenthetical exclusions of such concepts as "personality", "individuality", "feeling", "meaning" etc.; the very abstract (philosofical) approach to definition and understanding of such psychological concepts/phenomena as consciousness and community.