1995'6, p.66
Van_Waning A.
The works of pioneering psychoanalyst S. Spielrein

The works of Russian psychoanalyst Sabina Spielrein (1885-1942) are reviewed. S. Spielrein played a special and intriguing role in the development of psychoanalytic thinking in the beginning of the century. After having been intimately involved with Jung in personal and professional ways, later on in her life she adhered more to the Freudian psychoanalytic approach. She kept corresponding with both men for many years. Her own articles, 32 in number, have gotten little attention so far, except for in which she anticipated the concept. The themes of love, destruction and creativity are woven into her work and life. The diversity of partners she chose to work with - next to Jung and Freud also with Piaget - and her linguistic and neuropsychological interests show her to be a versatile and self-willed pioneer. It is concluded that so far S. Spielrein has not received the recognition she deserves.