1991'5, p.5
Stepanov S. Yu. , Pohmelkina G. F. , Koloshina T. Yu. , Frolova T. V.
On reflective psychology in pedagogic creation

The present state of education shows that there are two co-existing and antagonistic systems of professional pedagogic thinking and activity-authoritative-reproductive and reflective-creative. The first of them has deep historical and social-culture roots. It is based on the comprehension of a child as an object of authoritative guidance in order to form knowledge, skills and habits in behaviour and intellect. The reflective-creative position is characterized by the comprehension .of a child as a partner in joint creative process. This approach is still on the early stage and uses the ideas of reflective psychology. The latter considers pedagogic creation phenomenon as a resource for self-development of educational system and the means of overcoming its crisis. Reflective psychology can be used for the development of pedagogic creativeness and skills of a single teacher as well as of pedagogic collective with psychologists' assistance.