1990'6, p.37
Tsukerman G. A. , Yelizarova N. V.
On child's self-dependence

Two sides and two genetic roots of child's self-dependence are marked our: 1) child's ability to do without adult's assistance, connected to mastering of object content, means and ways of action carrying-out, 2) child's ability to be a subject of joint action, connected to child's initiate c emergence in interaction with instructing adult. The method showing dual character of child's action orientation in indeterminate sutuation (and every learning situation is such one) is presented. It is shown experimentally that the children are oriented by task conditions as well as by interaction form (directly or indirectly proposed by an adult). About one half of first-graders (6-7 years eld) demonstrate the ability and inclination to initiative cooperation with an adult. But this ability is suppressed by whole educational system in Soviet school. As a result school is not able to produce learning activity subjects - persons with educational self-dependence. Forming of educational system cultivating schoolchildren's learning initiative is a main reserve of school.