1990'5, p.112
Rosov A. I.
Some psychological issues of the problems of socio-cultural norms

The author believes that one of the specific psychological aspects in the investigation of the socio-cultural norms is the subject's attitude towards them. The protective and instructive functions of these norms provide a favourable attitide enhanced by the awareness of their direct importance for the subject. The negative attitude is caused, first and foremost, by the fact that the observance of the aforesaid norms requires on the side of the subject various forms of resignation - submission to commands, limitation of realization of the drives, self-denial of material and social advantages; secondly, by eventual enlargement of the comprehension of expediency to dismiss concrete norms (obsolete as well as interfering with creativity or progressive transformations). A special kind of the attitudes in question constitute the choice by the subject of norms to be respected, which may enable him to evade the observances of undesirable norms. Pedagogical and other practical points are considered.