1990'2, p.43
Verbova K. B. , Kondratyeva S. V.
A. S. Makarcnko's comprehention of his wards' personality as a standard of pedagogical perception

Analysis of 47 pupil's characters made by A. S. Makarenko shows the sides of his comprehention of his wards qualititively different from that of typical average teacher. The latter considers his pupil first of all as a subject of learning activity, and the comprehention of his ward as an integral personality is typical for Makarenko. His views are dialectical so he looks for internal logics of child's personal qualities system in its dynamics and contradiction, for reflection of these qualities genesis in general life connections, and considers child's zone of nearest development. The unification of reflective and social-perceptive processes is distinctive peculiarity of Makarenko's pedagogical creativeness.