1988'1, p.16
Orlov A. B.
Problems of restructuring the psychological-pedagogical preparation of teachers

Methodological analysis reveals that psychological-pedagogical training of teachers can be significantly improved if the following three requirements are met: 1) rejection of stereotypes of the monosubject pedagogics through organization of the learning process in correspondence with the polysubject pedagogical principles of dialogism, problemization, personalization, and individualization, 2) rejection of the tradition to describe teachers' craftsmanship in terms of technical and psychological-pedagogical knowledge, habits and skills; priority must be given now to the personality and motivation of teachers, which means that attention of trainers has to be shifted from a system of professional instruction to a system of professional education, 3) rejection of passive, informational, monologic procedures of training, and substituting them with active, problemic, dialogical methods of acquisition of pedagogical experience.