1985'4, p.9
Kan-Kalik V. A. , Kovalev G. A.
Educational communication as a subject-matter for theoretical and applied studies

A new theoretical approach to the analysis of the under-developed problem of educational communication in presented. Educational communication is defined as a process of creative interaction between the educator and the educated within which the task of teaching and education is being realized. Proceeding from general-theoretical views of B.G. Ananiev, A.A. Bodaliov, V.N. Miasishchev etc., specified for the purpose I of the given study, the authors suggest a new typology of communication, and analyze comprehensively the psychological structure of the professional-psychological communication as a creative process. The approach described has been used by the authors as a basis in the development of a system of professional-psychological preparation of teachers as subjects of the educational communication (the system widely employs active methods of social learning).